Police Procedures Essay

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What Is The Usual Procedure When You Are Arrested?
1. The officer will transport you to a police station.
2. You will be told in general terms what charges are being brought against you. Even so, the charges might change in the future and the prosecuting lawyer will outline the charges in more detail or in some cases by the grand jury.
3. You might be asked to take part in a lineup, to do a sample of your handwriting, or to say words connected with the criminal offense that you are charged with, to wear specific clothing or to provide a hair sample. It is best to have your lawyer present in these kinds of processes. You do have a right to a lawyer in case you are asked to take part in a lineup once you have been charged formally by the prosecuting …show more content…

This segment looks at some of the usual questions everyone has regarding their rights and duties when contacted by a police officer.
If The Police Tries To Stop Me On The Street And I Know I Didn’t Do Anything Wrong, Do I Comply?
A The police can interrupt your freedom of movement as long as he has noticed unusual activity pointing to criminal activity and that you might be a part of it. Basically, if the officer has a reasonable skepticism that a crime was committed and you could have been taking part. Even though the officer might be incorrect, in spite of this, you don't have the right to just keep walking. So long as the officer believes in good faith in your link to criminal activity, he can actually detain you. Making you stop is one thing, but, you don't have to answer all of his questions.
Can a Police Officer Search Me If I Am Legally Stopped On The Street?
It depends. A police officer is allowed to quickly frisk your external garments for weapons if they have a reasonable fear for his their safety. For instance, if the officer notices a bump in the pocket of your jacket that looks like the outline of a weapon. If a frisk is later on questioned in court to be unfair, a judge will in most cases uphold

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