Law Enforcement Acceptance Speech Essay

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It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Copeland Insurance Group Law Enforcement Appreciation Dinner. I submit my most sincere apologies for not being able to make it to tonight’s event. I am a long established supporter of our men and women in blue and because I cannot attend tonight, I would like to extend my utmost gratitude and appreciation of all officers in the audience tonight.

First, I would want to thank the officers in attendance tonight for their unfettered bravery when it comes to fighting the ills that are affecting our communities. When something goes awry, the first thing people do is call 911. Those very people in distress know that our nation’s law enforcement will have their back in dire emergencies. Law enforcement is quintessential to community safety and the very backbone in our nation of law and order. …show more content…

When it comes to keeping communities safe by apprehending criminals—we will always know that our law enforcement has our back. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in divisive anti law-enforcement rhetoric from groups around the country. The effects of a single contentious event often lead to a ripple of anti-law-enforcement sentiment disseminating across the country. The negative outbreaks have lead more people to challenge the authority of the law and those tasked with the enforcement. At times – and at a growing pace over the past few years—these challenges have come in the form in the use of deadly force against our law enforcement officers. I cannot remember a time in our nation’s history where law enforcement officers carrying out the line of duty have been at such a risk from retaliatory attacks. The courage it takes to put on a uniform in the morning, leave your families at home, and head to such a demanding and important duty is astonishing to

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