Pros And Cons Of Coping And Driving Essay

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officer. When a driver exits the vehicle it tends to escalate the situation of the vehicle stop, as now the officer will have several concerns. One of those concerns will be distraction. The officer now has to place his/her attention span exclusively on the driver, when there may be additional occupants in the vehicle, who may be armed and dangerous. There may also be narcotics or weapons inside the vehicle, but the officer cannot investigate any of this while the driver is out of their vehicle. The officer may be fearful that the driver is armed, and without a pat-down search, the officer will never know. So the driver should stay in the vehicle at all times, unless asked by the officer to exit the vehicle.

9. Give the officer the information …show more content…

Don’t make the officer feel threatened. When an officer makes a vehicle stop and the driver of the car has their hands concealed, the officer will feel threatened. The officer does not know if the driver is trying to conceal drugs or a weapon, so instinctively if an officer cannot see your hands, they typically will ask you to slowly show them. The driver should realize this could be a pivotal moment, if a correction is not made on the driver’s behalf, in seconds the officer may draw their handgun for protection. The driver should also have a cordial attitude. When the driver has a bad attitude toward the law enforcement officer, this may also contribute to the officer feeling threatened and quickly, the officer will react. The reaction of the officer is all about their safety. The foundation of vehicle stops can be very fragile for the officers and citizens. Remember the officer is thinking, “safety first,” as they are concerned about being injured or killed. So instead of waiting until the officer utters the words, “place your hands where I can see them,” be one step ahead and accomplish that task on your own. The officer may not tell you this but they will be very appreciative of being able to see your hands. The same goes with having a positive attitude. It’s only obvious the officer is going to feel more cooperation when the driver has a positive attitude. This will make the officer feel less threatened during the

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