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Steve's roger's eyes snapped open, throttled to consciousness by severe and bone-penetrating cold. The muscles in his neck spasmed causing his jaw to slam into a broken chunk of ice. As he reflexively flinched away,a primal smothering terror seized his chest as he realized he was suffocatingly encased in raw arctic ice. Drawing a breath to scream, nerves in Steve's abdomen compressed under panicked muscle trauma. His diaphragm contracted deep into his body and Steve began to asphyxiate. Wave after wave of rib breaking contractions wracked his frozen body, sending him into violent death throes. Steve's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and ropes of clinging foam and mucus spilled from his mouth. His heart strained under his breast, exerting its last reserves of energy to keep beating.

Crushed inside his coffin of ice, Steve grasped at the threads of consciousness keeping him alive. A man's voice, soft and honest called Steve backwards, begging him to let go and embrace the dark. Telling him with flashes of warm and pure memories that he would be safe. Steve hesitated, the siren call of his fallen friend so sweet and painful his very soul ached for it. He looked,oh god he looked, and there was Bucky, grinning from ear to ear, welcoming him with open arms.

"Is it really you?" Steve asked, his own voice ringing hollow in the dark.

"Its me. It's Bucky."


"Come on."


"I thought you were dead."

"I though you were-"

Steve's vision warped at the wrongness of the memory. Their words were backwards. Each echoing the part of the other. the figure of Bucky started to become-

"Smaller." Steve finished the last of his sentence. And Bucky did become small, or Steve was just floating up. It was hard to tell here. he ...

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... to see the doctor erupt Into a monster. The thing snarled and lunged, but tony pulled him back over the edge. Steve choked on his heart as he fell, and then gasped as he rocked upwards. He turned to yell at tony, to fright him to turn back, but the metal man rocketed up the stairwell. Steve watched in horror as the ceiling closed in on them and seconds before they would have hit, Steve raised his shield to block the blow. Steve's already injured arm dislocated entirely and tried to scream but Plaster and rubble cascaded around his face, smothering his pained cry. They rocketed up through a metal roof that squealed over his shield and frozen air burned his lungs. Steve began to struggle to breathe, tasting metal on the back of his tongue. "Hic- To-ony.. Can't-" Steve gasped and struggled to stay awake. Black assaulted his vision, and Steve Rogers lost consciousness.

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