Pneumonia Patient Information Leaflet

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According to the given context, the aim of prescribed antibiotic for the pneumonia patient is to achieve a good treatment outcome in the patient concerned and it is universal for all medical therapy to achieve a successful treatment outcome.
Adherence to medication is one of the key determinants for fruitful treatment accomplishment. Poor communication between patient and provider leads to poor understanding of the disease, the benefit and risk of treatment, poor understanding of the proper use of medication (Lars Osterberg &Terrence Blaschke, 2005).
Relation of low literacy skills with illustrated medicine leaflets:
While individual at all education level have issues with comprehension and utilizing health information, people …show more content…

1. For attention: To grab people attention and invoke their initial curiosity, we should have to give attention to different key factors:
One is using an attractive design and layout for the leaflet.
Use of different colour which would be wisely and naturally because it is an important way to draw attention. Sometimes colour has different meaning like power or danger sometimes signified by red colour. In case of antibiotic or microorganism, we could use red colour.
Illustrations or pictures: For low literate people, a picture is the main conceivable approach to outwardly strengthen composed messages. In case of illustrations, simple line drawing is easy to reproduce and well understood. Simplify the delineations and avoid additional points of interest. Every picture will represent a single message. *WHO, 2006
I would like to use different boxes to give details. At top of leaflet one box for both heading and key message. In the left side of a box, I want to put a photo of a mother is giving medicine to her child in the right position and ideal way and on the right side of a box, there will be the key …show more content…

4. Pharmacist and recall: Pharmacist can play the vital rule in different part of communication.
The pharmacist can help to interpret the leaflet and make it easy to a patient.
The pharmacist can take part in face to face communication method. Two or more communication approaches are more effective than single approaches like face to face and patient information leaflet.
On the other hand, a pharmacist can play important rule to make easy to understand leaflet supplied with a patient because some terminology and symbol will be difficult to understand for low literate people. Which could be explained by the pharmacist for better adherence to medical treatment.
In term of recall, recall can be assessed in two ways: as ‘‘free recall’’ or as
‘‘cued recall.’ By asking the patient that how much he/she could remember after hearing doctor counselling and seeing leaflet, what is called "cued recall". (Peter S. Houts,

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