Pluralism Essay

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Pluralism The maintenance of law and order is a critical aspect of any society, but it is even more necessary when a society is characterized by pluralism. This paper seeks to look into pluralism and its various aspects as well as why a common binding factor is needed to keep a society characterized by pluralism together in harmony. Why Few People could Live Together and not have Laws Laws are crucial in a society because they control the mannerisms of people for their own good and that of the society. People are naturally selfish and seek to meet their abilities, needs and wants, which may vary from one individual to the other. The appropriate choices will as such differ from one individual to the other, and conflicts are bound to occur in …show more content…

It theorizes that a multitude of various groups, and not the population as a unit, govern a country or state. These groups may include professional organizations, informal and formal coalitions of like-minded people, trade unions, environmentalists, business and financial lobby groups and civil rights activists among others. These organizations influence the administration of policies and laws and their making. The public remains only as a bystander in this process since the participants are only a small fraction of the population (Harr, Hess, Orthmann, &Kingsbury , …show more content…

These concerns seemed to have died down when the national origins quota restrictions were eliminated from immigration laws by Congress in 1965. Immigration is the cause of much of the growth in thepopulation of the Asian and Latino American societies, among others. These changes in the demographic composition of the American populace have caused concern among policy makers about what being an American means. The conclusions have a significant effect on the nation’s immigration policies. Being a multiracial society, America is primarily described by assimilation and other aspects of pluralism. Immigration only increases these dimensions (Tamanaha,

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