Pie Crust Essay

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What is a pie crust?

A pie is a pastry dough that is baked either in the oven or a baking pit. It may contain various fillings of sweets, veggies and meat. Pies are differentiated by the kind of crust that they have. A bottom crust or filled crust has a pastry lining at the bottom of the pan with fillings placed on top of it. The top portion is left open to bake and only serves to encase the upper ingredients by holding it together. The top crust pie or cobbler has the fillings at the bottom of the pan, with the crust covering the filling before baking. The two-crust pie, on the other hand, has a pastry lining at the bottom and a pastry cover on top - before baking. Pastries normally use a flaky type of pie crust for that crunchy bite. The …show more content…

They misdiagnose their ailments as due to something else, not gluten intake. A new development now has arisen towards a healthier lifestyle that includes eating gluten-free food. One favourite snack in most homes is the number of variations in home-made pies. To make this favourite snack a healthy alternative, gluten-free pie crust are being bannered in the internet sites and online medical journals for its health efficacy.

How to make gluten-free pie crust

Using gluten-free pie crust can be done two ways. First, you can make your own by following a number of online recipes, and; second, is you can prepare a crust from a pre-mix. An example of the latter is the Gluten Free Pantry's Perfect Pie Crust Mix. There are other varieties that you can buy from any groceries or Whole Food store in your state.

It is hard to taste any difference between the regular crust and the gluten-free crust. In most instances, they taste the same. But if you look closely, and savour the gluten-free crust, the reason is simple enough - it tastes better. Gluten makes the dough rise and make it 'doughy' or soft and heavy. Pies should not look nor taste 'doughy'. It should be tender and flaky, unlike breads and cakes. Pie crust has a fair amount of shortening and very little liquid. The ingredients are only mixed to combine them, hence less gluten for this

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