Physical Therapy Case Study Essay

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The subjective examination of the patient revealed a behavior of avoidance of activities. The balance and overall functional mobility were affected due to activity limitation. The history of depression further compounded the problem. Physical therapy examination revealed deficits in dynamic balance and gait deficits affecting the ability to perform safe ambulation, transfers, activities of daily living and self-care. The FRT score of 6 inches indicated limited mobility and decreased dynamic balance (Weiner et al., 1992). The TUG score of 20 secs was more than the normal cut off score (13.5 secs) for the age of the patient (Shumway-cook et al., 2008). The general cut- The MFES score of 4 indicates a significant fear of falling. The patient was …show more content…

The intervention for the patient included balance training and cognitive -behavioral therapy (CBT) to address the balance deficits and fear of falling. The plan of care for home health physical therapy services for the patient included 2 visits per week for 4 weeks for a total of 8 visits. The patient was seen for 7 visits. The patient cancelled one visit in the 2nd week of intervention due to a family outing. As part of the balance exercises activities involving manipulation of base of support and surfaces, challenging the postural reactions and reach outs were done. The balance program is explained in detail in table 2 The first two weeks involved balance exercises challenging static and dynamic balance with minimal use of assistive device. The progression in week three and week four involved integration of balance exercises with functional activities such as reaching for the top drawer in the kitchen, picking up stuff from the floor, side walking while working at the kitchen counter top. The patient did follow a home exercise program involving exercises for hip flexors, quadriceps, gastrocnemius, hip abductors, ankle plantar flexors and dorsi flexors. The HEP was done for 2 times a day on non-therapy days and 1 time a day during therapy

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