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Philosophy of education essay
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Philosophy of Education
In this paper, I wish to discuss my beliefs for education. These beliefs include my philosophy in a general manner, and the reasons why I want to become an educator. In this paper I will also describe what my furture classroom will look like, and how my classroom will be run. I also discuss my views on education reform in conclusion.
I have found that my philosophy of education is a combination of two philosophies. They are Idealism and Realism. I also agree with two points in the Existentialism and pragmatism philosophies. L believe that a teacher should know their content very well. This is one of the most important things that I believe that I should do as a classroom teacher. I also believe that the classroom teacher is a model for the students. The students will watch them to see how they live their lives and how they react to situations that may arise in the classroom. I also believe that each child in the world today is a valuable contribution to society. Each child can fulfill any dream they may have, but I also believe that your dreams need to be reasonable. Each child can contribute something to society because the world needs farmers just as much as they need politicians. Another important thing that I believe should be focused on is to encourage students to seek the truth. I feel that this statement means that a student need to establish their own beliefs on issues, and they also need to be able to back up why they believe what they believe. These beliefs need to be personal. The teacher does not need to focus on their own personal beliefs, but also on beliefs that are opposite of theirs. A teacher needs to focus on the good and bad things on eac...
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...ectly. When the results of the reform are used correctly, reform will be effective. As an educator during reform initiatives, I will support the things that will make the education of students more effective.
These are my beliefs for education. They include my general philosophy of education, and why I want to become an educator. Also I have described what my classroom will look like. This includes what my seating arrangement will be, and also what the bulletin boards in my classroom will contain. I have also discussed whether my classroom will be authoritarian or nonauthoritarian. I also discuss how I plan to manage the classroom, motivate the students, issue discipline, how I will teach, and how I will lead the students in my classroom. Lastly, I discuss my views on education reform, and whether it is effective or not to the education world.
...y W.A & Hostler D.P (2006). Comparison of the Ferno Scoop Stretcher with the long backboard for spinal immobilisation. Prehospital Emergency Care.10 (1): 46-51
McHugh, T. P., & Taylor, J. P. (2009). Unnecessary out-of-hospital use of full spinal immobilization. Academy of Emergency Medicine, 5(3), 278-280.
Once the patient is stable and can have a CT scan done, this is the best diagnostic test to determine craniocerebral trauma. Other diagnostic studies that may be done to indicate a head injury include an MRI, PET, transcranial Doppler studies, and a cervical spine x-ray. A Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) may be used to test neurologic function. The worst score a patient can receive is a 3, with the best being a 15. A score of 8 means the person needs to be intubated. This is important to monitor because patient’s can deteriorate very quickly. Due to the magnitude of the patient’s, vital signs should be checked at least every 15 minutes. The head of the bed should be raised to 30 degrees because of the presence of possible cerebral spinal fluid from her nose. This fluid should be checked for the presence of glucose (Halo’s sign) to confirm that it is in fact cerebral spinal fluid. Intracranial pressure should be monitored using ventriculostomy, which is when a catheter is inserted into the lateral ventricle to remove cerebral spinal fluid. Along with this, supplemental oxygen should be administered to the patient via a non-rebreather mask. It is also important to initiate at least two large bore IV’s to maintain access incase the patient is to receive any medication or
Deuterium is inexpensively extracted from water, and tritium is produced during the reaction itself via lithium. Deuterium and lithium are placed within a containment field created by two large electromagnets, with water below, and the two are heated until they become highly ionized gas, or plasma. From there, the heat is maintained until the two sets of plasma come together, or fuse, and release a burst of energy that surpasses all other methods, including nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion is a safer method of nuclear power, as the isotopes are proven stable both alone and together, are not exceedingly radioactive, and do not pose any known threat of pollution. Alongside this, nuclear fusion is an “intrinsically safe [fusion] reactor operation” as a combination of the “sensitive temperature-pressure balance requirement for reactions to occur” and the minimal amount of material necessary to produce energy ensures that “even in the event of a loss of coolant or power-failure, there is no danger of runaway processes caused by uncontrolled chain-reactions, avoiding the possibility of major accidents.” (“Fusion” 10) Nuclear fusion can be considered a method of harnessing renewable solar energy, and easily complements not only the existing solar initiatives, but those of wind and hydroelectric power as well. (“Fusion”) Currently, nuclear
Urgent surgical intervention is more common in patients with an incomplete spinal injury. If the neurologic dysfunction worsens, urgent surgical intervention is necessary. The decision to operate depends on many circumstances. The cause and extent of the injury and spinal stability issues is to be taken in consideration. The type of surgery to be performed is decided by the surgeon. Surgery to treat a spinal injury involves decompressing the spine and stabilizing the spine. Surgery may not reverse spinal cord damage. However, decompression and spinal stabilization are important to prevent pain, deformity, and progression of neurologic deficits such as weakness, tingling, bowel or bladder
I believe that teaching and learning is both a science and an art, which requires the implementation of already determined rules. I see learning as the result of internal forces within the person student. I know that children differ in the way they learn and grow but I also know that all children can learn. Students’ increased understanding of their own experience is a legitimate form of knowledge. I will present my students with opportunities to develop the ability to meet personal knowledge.
Anderson at the office of Dr. Shah. The permanent spinal cord stimulator was discussed and both agreed to proceed. Dr. Shah told Mr. Anderson he would have an increase in pain for about 3-4 weeks after the insertion is done. This is an outpatient procedure. On 6/5/17 we met with Dr. Rampersaud Pain Management. Mr. Anderson reports over the weekend while putting on his cow boy boots he felt a pop in his low back. He reports he almost went to the hospital emergency room his pain was so severe. Mr. Anderson’s Dilaudid and Percocet have been changed and he was reminded again that he is on a medication taper. On 6/5/17 I was able to speak with Dr. Rampersaud privately and reminded him that the medications were supposed to be decreased and Mr. Anderson continues to push for an increase or no change at all. The permanent spinal cord stimulator was supposed to be placed on 6/12/17. Mr. Anderson said the surgery center tried to get him to come in early but, he had a morning appointment with his bank. So his surgery was cancelled. It has been rescheduled for
posterior spinal fixation, with decreased tissue destruction and higher safety margins [2]. The focus of this paper is to discuss the surgical technique, advantages and disadvantages of
Webster defines philosophy as a critical study of fundamental beliefs and the grounds for them. In this philosophy, I will be talking about the three great philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These three philosophers represent the birthplace of Western philosophy.
To be a teacher it is imperative to have philosophies on teaching; why you want to teach, how you want to teach, and what you want to teach. There are six main philosophies of education; essentialism, behaviorism, progressivism, existentialism, perennialism, and reconstructionism. My two strongest philosophies are progressivism and existentialism. Progressivism in short is the philosophy where the student utilizes their ability to access knowledge for themselves with a method they have discovered on their own instead of simply being told answers. This creates deeper thinking. Existentialism is the philosophy that the student decides how and what they will learn, they also decide what they think to be true and false. This creates
I know that as I grow and learn as a teacher my theory on education will change and grow with me. I know that the best thing that I can bring to the table when it comes to being a teacher is the willingness to learn along with my students on what works best for us in our classroom, what is important to us when it comes to learning, and to change what needs to be change in order to have a positive learning environment for my student. The most important thing as a teacher I will bring with me into my classroom is the unwavering desire to help to guide, shape, and above all foster a love of learning in my
Education is a very important aspect of our lives. It is our education that makes us who we are and determines what we become. Therefore, education is not something to be taken lightly. As a teacher, my goal will be to provide the best possible education for my students. Every student is unique. I must see students for who they are individually and respect their ideas and opinions. Each student has a different learning style. I must take this into consideration because I want to provide a constructive learning opportunity for every student. I believe that every student has the potential to learn.
When this happens, the benefits to society will be plenteous. This will make way to a nearly unlimited power supply that will have no harmful emissions or decay, resulting in a cleaner and friendlier environment, as well as providing cheaper energy costs, safer energy productions, and providing almost anyone with the ability to have and use energy (The Energy Source.) Many people in today’s society are looking to cleaner energy options to improve our environmental imprint and to reverse carbon emissions. Using nuclear fusion to create energy will essentially eliminate all sources of energy that produce carbon emissions like propane, coal, and even gasoline by reason of electric automobiles. Nuclear fusion will severely reduce the cost of energy for people by virtue of that it is practically unlimited in its supply, making it easier for people to obtain electrical energy. There would be no worry of energy consumption due to how much the reactor would be producing . Though the research and the product itself are not currently available, the finished product will be something that will help mankind for all of
could emotional labour is that it can create emotional exhaustion and a reduction in job satisfaction as the individual is constantly having to manage their emotions.
I can not narrow down my educational philosophy to one area. I have studied the teacher-centered philosophies and I would consider myself somewhat eclectic, having a mixture of progressivism and essentialism.