Persuasive Speech On Lung Cancer

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Cancer is one of the most worldwide known sickness that has killed tons of people. In fact, the National Cancer Institute points out that there have been 8.2 million cancer related deaths worldwide and the estimated amount of deaths in the following decades is 22 million. That is a lot of people passing away from the very fatal disease. Cancer is curable and can be fixed, however there are many side effects that just make you worse. Some include fatigue, hair loss, easy bruising and bleeding, infection, nerve and muscle problems, skin and nail changes, and chemo brain which affects concentration and focus. Therefore the fact that we can fix it, although it will cause pain in true, it is expensive and the side effects really mess with people's minds. More people now are trying to prevent it as much as possible and are taking extra precautions. Scientists are studying other living things that are prone to …show more content…

There are plenty of foods that will help with this and there are plenty of spices too. In case you really do not want to change your diet to allow certain foods, you can add certain spices to your food to eat some cancer cell killing substance.

All cruciferous veggies (cruciferous vegetables are vegetables of the family Brassicaceae with many species being raised for food production.) contain cancer-fighting properties, but broccoli has a higher amount of sulforaphane - a compound that many scientists say can help prevent cancer or slow down its movement throughout the body.

The tomato is said to be the best of cancer-fighting foods. It contains a phytochemical called lycopene that not only gives it the red colour that this is most likely known for, but it also reduces the risk of certain cancers. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamins A, C, and E - all of which are enemies of cancer-expanding

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