Persuasive Essay On Zoos

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Why do we use zoos. Why are animals contained in manmade wild life structures. One thing we can say about zoos is that they educate the general public. Zoos can also be used for scientific research. Studies are also better able in zoos because of it's controlled environment. Zoos can also help endangered species by using captive breeding and release. On the other hand, many would say that wild animals should not be held in captivity. It has been argued that captive breeding isn’t always effective, zoos do not provide natural habitats, and zoos put unnecessary stress on animals.
Even though many animal exhibitors are still considered zoos, they do not meet the requirements of the AZA (The Association of Zoos and Aquariums.) and have not been accredited. This raises awareness and concern to the places unaccredited if that the animals should be kept captive. According to research by Animals Australia, "Zoo's are primarily for profit." A surplus of animals would cause inhuman actions to take place whether it's killing offspring to feed other carnivorous animals, or to kill animals to make room for others, there are secret practices that make zoos sound just a bad as a slaughter house.
"Much to their (zoo's) embarrassment, death is a …show more content…

This kind of behavior is specilly know as "Zoochosis." An article from a 5th grade text book states that, "Animals removed from thier natrual habitat and kept in captivity develop a mental illness know as Zoochosis." Signs of Zoochosis include but are not limited to things such as walking in circles, twisting there necks, self-multilation, and even pacing. These are signs of distress and just like humans, animals have feeligs too. To keep animals behind cages is in fact inhumane and derogatory. Animals are meant to be kept where they Historically are born and not behind glass for humans to go see for their own convieniece or

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