Persuasive Essay About Zoos

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Would you be willing to risk your fun and enjoyment for an animal’s happiness? Everytime families go to the zoo and give them money, they are making an animal suffer. The more money zoos get, the more animals are taken. Animals are depressed every day because they are being deprived of their rights; their right to be free. It’s obvious that zoos are harmful to animals because the animals become depressed, the scientists wouldn’t learn much, and because they are not prepared enough when they are released back into the wild.
First of all, the animals become very sad and depressed due to the lack of happiness with their new habitat. It’s hard for animals to live happy and healthy in a small enclosure. In addition, when they are normally an outdoor …show more content…

Animal abuse is another big part of it all. With visitors tapping on windows, throwing things at the animals, it makes the animals annoyed. An animal being enclosed could possibly be a cause of unnatural behavior. For example, I always remember going to see the gorillas. But people are always tapping on the window or doing something obnoxious that the gorillas don’t like. Sometimes, the gorillas run up to the window and bang on it. To kind of say, “Hey! That’s enough.” Animals tend to suffer in confines and live under psychological pressure, which tends to reflect abnormal behavior. So researchers would be studying their weird behavior not their normal. When I go to the zoo, I always see that a lot of the animals look bored. For example, the Andean Bear from the Henry Doorly Zoo. There is a log in his enclosure, so all he does is walk back and forth behind it. Animals in captivity tend to not exhibit their natural behavioral traits in zoos, therefore, scientists won’t learn much about their normal behaviors. In one case of this, the only way for scientists to research their natural behavioral patterns is for them to study the animals in their natural habitat. Doing what they normally do every day in the open …show more content…

When the animals live in a zoo, everything is given to them. Most of the time, with their food, but in the wild they have to fight for themselves. People in zoos don’t prepare the animals enough to be able to hunt for their prey. Whenever I’ve been to a zoo, I see that they always give everything to the animal straight forward or they put it in a dish. I know for a fact that in the wild, to get anything, they have to fight for it. Furthermore, once the animals are taken into this artificial setting they get used to it, the longer they are there. So if they are unleashed back into the wild again it looks foreign to them because they are so used to being enclosed and being surrounded by windows and people watching them. Another example is when people go on a vacation. Usually if they are going there for vacation, it’s very new to them as they don’t know where everything is. It’s the same thing with the animals, once they are put into a different place, they don’t know what anything is. Some animals connect or create bonds with animals of the same species to travel their migratory path with. But when they are separated and moved from their habitat that bond is broken. As proof, when animals are taken from their natural habitat or the wild, as they are gone from it longer they lose more and more memory of it. Same thing with other animals of that specie, the animal losing memory of them. So when the

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