Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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After a long summer, the time has finally come for Sam and his classmates to return to school. Sam dreads going back to school, because he knows that the first weeks of school mean long, boring reviews. Despite the fact that Sam and his friends do not like to relearn what they have already studied, they need to review because most students forget what they learned over the three-month break period. Many students can relate to Sam, wasting two weeks or more at the beginning of the school year. Parents, teachers and students across the United States believe a better option exists, that will waste less time, including the idea of a year-round school schedule. Higher academic achievement, benefits to the community and reduction in overcrowding …show more content…

The traditional three-month break during summer can cause students to forget much of what they learned the year before, but this break especially hinders students learning a language in school (Rodgers 70). Students that speak English as a second language rely mostly on their schools to teach them English, and a three-month break will put these children behind when the school year starts again. Additionally, students in a language immersion program also struggle to retain information when they do not speak or hear a language over a long period of time. If their parents do not speak the language they learn at school, English or otherwise, the students generally struggle when they return to school. Furthermore, year-round students typically perform better on standardized testing. In a 1983 study, a higher percentage of high school seniors, in a year-round school system, passed district-mandated tests than the average passing rate (Alkin et al 43). Frequent, but shorter, breaks keep students focused and motivated, helping them to achieve higher test scores. Students also can seek tutoring or extra help during regular breaks, which makes it easier for a student who struggles to catch up when

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