Persuasive Essay On Uber Eats

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Ever felt hungry but too lazy to cook food? Use Uber Eats. Too busy or don’t like going to the supermarket to shop for groceries? Just place an order on Amazon. The world around us is evolving each day with better technology and advances. Technology can help make our lives easier and more convenient. Without the hassle of buying groceries or food, our lives can be more efficient and we can put our time into more productive tasks. Our love for convenience started with food deliveries, we would simply just call a pizza establishment and have the order delivered to you, now you can just order a roll of toilet paper and have it delivered to your doorstep in a couple hours from the palm of your hands. Companies like Uber Eats and Amazon cater to …show more content…

It’s easy and there is no waste of time. For example, you have this company called Uber, and they have an app called Uber Eats. This app is made for people who don’t want to go out of their house and face the inconvenience of getting food. The service partners with local restaurants to serve you and all you have to do is choose what you want on the app and in 30 minutes—it’s right there waiting on your doorstep. It’s easy and convenient, just how people like it. There is a downside however, food prices through the service are usually increased and also a five dollar delivery fee is charged. This may seem like a turn off for some; but for many, they would gladly pay the extra money to have the convenience of having food delivered to them. In an article written by the New Yorker, the article writes about how delivery apps like Uber Eats are a vital part of some restaurants. One restaurant had delivery sales account for thirty percent of total sales and one owner stated, “it’s really becoming a bulk part of our business, so it’s not something we can cut.”. Not only do the consumers rely on delivery services but also businesses. From the percentage of sales that come from services like Uber eats, you can clearly see Uber Eats is successful and people do rely on convenience in their day-to-day

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