Persuasive Essay On The Yellow Star

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"The human spirit needs to accomplish, to achieve, to triumph to be happy," Ben Stein once said. The Holocaust is one of the most terrible events in human history. It occurred during World War II when Hitler was leader of Germany. Six million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis. Once the people were taken by the Nazis they were sent to camps to do labor or to basically die. This made it very hard for the human's spirit to triumph. Even in hardships the human spirit will always triumph. During this time love, laughter, and the beauty of nature was what was keeping the human spirit triumphing. For instance, love was one of the reasons many kept their spirit and had hope no matter what happened to them. In a poem from the book Yellow Star, …show more content…

I think of Dora, and I grab it," (Doc C) This means that even though she could of risked being seen by the Nazis she went back and grabbed the pear for Dora …show more content…

I think of Dora, and I grab it, then turn and run back to the building with a pear in each hand. I reach up and grasp the pear. Its skin is yellow green" (Doc B). This shows that the writer wanted the character to really slow down the moment and enjoy nature before it was gone. From the diary written by Anne Frank titled, The Diary of a Young Girl, it says, I look up at the blue sky and the bare chestnut tree, on whose branches little raindrops shine, appearing like silver, and at the seagulls and other birds as they glide on the wind. ¨(Doc D) This made the reader really take a second and take a look at nature and you can tell that the character in the story really enjoys nature and it makes her happy. Also, In a letter fro the book An Interrupted Life and Letters from Westerbork, the author writes I couldn’t fob them off with the rainbow, could I?—even though that was the only reason for my cheerfulness. . . ." This means that the character was in a bad mood but the rainbow made sure that she would be in a good mood and she does not want to stop anyone and put them in a bad

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