Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Becca Murphy
Mr. Bergmann
Sophomores Honors English P2
10 October 2016

Texting And Driving You are stuck in traffic, when suddenly you get a text. Hearing the text message ringtone makes you start thinking, “Maybe it is my friend telling me about the party tonight, or my mother, what if something is wrong?¨ You become anxious and start telling yourself “The road continues to be straight from here, what could possibly happen?¨ Next thing you know, you're waking up in a hospital bed. Teens and even adults all over the world are using their phone behind the wheel at all times of the day with no hesitation, which has lead to some of the most fatal crashes in history. There are many statistics behind texting and driving that will explain to you why it should not be done and how to avoid it. So although you think you are “experienced” at texting and driving, anything is possible and one look at your cell phone can change your life forever.
Imagine being a parent to a teen that is beginning to drive by …show more content…

It is so tempting and seems so hard to not send one last text but believe it or not, there are various ways you could help yourself to avoid picking up your cell phone behind the wheel. One of the many important ways to help avoid texting and driving would be making a habit of sending texts and/or social media desires before you begin driving. Before your car ride, also think about the information you may need for your card ride, for instance your GPS ( Another great tip would be to put your cell phone out of reach, maybe in the glovebox. Not having the option to pick up your cell phone because of it being out of reach will really be effective. There are so many great ideas as to help avoid picking up your cell phone behind the wheel but nothing will help you more than you. Think about whether it is worth risking many people's life including your own, to read or send a

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