Persuasive Essay On Sports Vs Sports

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Have you ever wanted happiness in life? To succeed, better academics, socializing or better health. Most people do but, there is another way somewhat easier to do this. Sports, sports is a great way to achieve these things faster and easier. Some people would pass the opportunity to play sports because they don't want to be thought of a 'stupid jock who doesn't know anything' Athletes sometimes get that reputation but, it's actually not true at all. Research shows that athletes actually have a .25 higher GPA than non-athletes. Due to having to pass your classes to play in a game, you have to be focus and involved not only in the game but in school, school is first priority. Research proves that if you are in a after school activity either if it is sports or a club, those students can and will succeed more that the students that don't, students that do these activities have a better chance for education or even scholarships. (HEALTHGUIDENCE) Sports can help you with socializing and making friends, in sports you are always around people or on teams which means socializing is key to succeed. You are always around people and have an opportunity to make friends. Research shows that students in sports are better at socializing with others or …show more content…

Sports can help you out with that too, research shows that either being in sports being at the gym or just being active triggers chemicals in your brain that keep you clam happy and relaxed, especially in team sports. Sports also boosts your concentration level which helps you keep focused in school. Most sports require you to being able to switch between concentration levels, athletes need to control when where and how much they are focusing from time to time. In sports to be the best they can be they need a broad internal and external focus and concentration. (VTHOKIES) Athletes also are more likely to figure out clues or certain or problems in their

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