Persuasive Essay On Slacker

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Ouch! She felt a tight squeeze to the left arm. With seventeen tardies, three truancy letters, fourteen missing assignments, and lack of sleep, she dolefully cupped her head in her hands and realized she can’t wake up from this nightmare with a pinch. But do not be alarmed, she is not ill nor depressed she is your average slacker. They are not uncommon; you may come across one at work, social outings or where they are most commonly seen, at school. They are known to look just like any other student with only a few slight differences. If you look closely you can notice a slight dull in the eyes or down pull of the mouth, all small details separating them from the rest of their peers. Slackers are easily spotted out by lack of work effort, empty seats in front of you, and constant procrastination of assignments. But do not worry because there are many ways to prevent yourself from becoming a slacker. Idleness continues to be a contributor to students’ lack of achievement. Slackers will sleep through the day without completing a single assignment from school. Often times, they lay in bed debating whether to get up and do their work. Not only do they find time to sleep at home, but also at school. When given time to execute an assignment in class, the bulk of slackers will spend five minutes rushing through work and the remainder …show more content…

Many slackers have a high GPA, restrict themselves from cheating, and sleep a healthy amount. Being a slacker myself, I would understand. I am always determined to break old habits, but it is not as elementary as it may appear. Many of times I have found myself writing an essay, on the last day of break, late at night, wondering why I must always do this to myself. One day I hope to take my own advice by doing my homework before I doze off, making attendance a priority, and starting the essay the first day of

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