Persuasive Essay On Sexism In Sports

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Did you know that male football player of the year, Cristiano Ronaldo earn 85x more than female player of the year Nadine Kessler. Many media reports have discriminated women’s play in sports calling and labelling them as “gay”, calling them out for ruining the joy of the game. Mo’ne Davis broke records when she was the first female little league player to lead her all-male team to the championship victory, batting faster than any little league player. FIFA President made women play on turf despite many efforts to change his decision. They would never do the same for men, because they value men athletes more and have better investments in men’s players than they do for female athletes. The purpose of my essay is to discuss sexism in sports, how women are being discriminated …show more content…

On Jan. 21 a group of more than 40 female soccer players and prominent figures in the industry such as Tom Hanks dropped a gender discrimination lawsuit against FIFA and the Canadian Soccer Association. The complaint was filed in October, opposing FIFA’s decision to hold the upcoming Women’s World Cup tournament on synthetic turf instead of real grass. The men’s games have never been played on artificial turf, and the next two men’s tournaments, in 2018 and 2022, will be played on real grass. The symbolism of giving an inferior turf to female athletes runs much deeper than the surface of a pitch. By placing the Women’s Cup on an inferior surface, soccer’s governing body reinforced what we have been telling female athletes for decades: Their game is second-class. It is also the same subtle message we send to girls and women everywhere, every day: They deserve less. Even more harmful, fans, administrators, families, coaches and teachers appear comfortable with women’s getting less. The players’ decision to withdraw their suit validates this differential treatment, but we should support — not blame —

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