Persuasive Essay On Female Athletes

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As the soccer ball was rolling out of bounds, I felt my opponent right on my back. In that moment, I would not have guessed that the next year would drastically change seconds later. My leg gave out as I heard a heart breaking pop and fell to the ground. Over 250,000 Americans tear their Anterior Cruciate Ligaments (ACL) each year, myself included. Female athletes are eight times more susceptible to tear their ACL as a result of physiological and anatomic differences. Building up specific muscles around the knee can diminish the amount of strain on the knee. Therefore, female athletes should participate in strength programs to target reducing the risk of a life changing injury.
The ACL is the most commonly injured of the four ligaments found …show more content…

The amount of time, effort, and money is bigger than you would think. The average amount of time it takes to fully recover from an ACL tear is between 6 and 12 months. Although by six months in the recovery you are able to do everything, it is best to wait till about nine months so the knee is fully stable for side to side movements. Most females tear their ACL in sports that require a lot of twisting, jumping, and cutting, such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. While grinding through physical therapy for 6 months, it consists of tons of exercises to help regain all the strength back into and around the knee. The first few weeks of physical therapy consist of attending at least three times a week. As the patient gets stronger the start going once a week and doing their exercises on their own every other day. Physical therapy is extremely self reliant. The more the patient does the physical therapy, the stronger they get and can get back to their sport faster. Doctors and physical therapists have found that there are various exercises athletes, especially females can do to reduce the risk of an ACL tear. Some exercises include, squats, jump squats, lateral bounds, step ups, hamstring curls, and romanian deadlifts. All of the exercises used to reduce the risks of tears by targeting strengthening the hips, hamstrings, and

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