Persuasive Essay On Rage

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When you feel that rage burning that is when you have it. With any fire it needs to be controlled. For example and a little story. My greatest hate is my birth mother and her failures. I did not take my anger out on her or stuff like that. Changing someone else takes too much work for the pay off most of the time. I took this rage and pointed it at my self. I get pissed at my own actions if I ever mess up. I never blame others anymore, I only look to myself and ask what I could have done better. Putting the blame on others is a waste of time that will never make your life better. You control your life and your own actions is what sparks your future. If you blame society for your failures you will just become a victim to your own mind. This skill is not limited in what it can be used for. Leading people to making sandwiches it is how you can be your own critic. You can never stop pushing yourself or that will be your own downfall. When you leave the game of self progressing you will have to struggle to get back into it. If you ever wondered why you are doing something in life that just shows you have not found what emotion you feed off of. When I do something out of rage it feels like stuffing my mouth full of the richest sweets. It is a feast of emotions that will drive you and always give you a reason to keep pushing. There is a synthetic …show more content…

Can good be from bad? What happens when “a flower bloomed in a dark room,”- Kendrick Lamar, I remember the first friend I knew who got stabbed. I remember when my first friend went to jail. I remember the first time I was told to ditch class. I remember the first time they asked me to break a law. And I can never forget every time I chose to do nothing. You can never know you are in a mad city until you leave your mad city. You will see someone oneday then the next day he got kicked out of school because he broke too many laws. You will see the cops and lie to them so you can not be a

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