John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band Essays

  • Song Analysis: Grapefruit By Neil Young

    1190 Words  | 3 Pages

    The album is very Lennon was asking us to see a place where things that divide people did not exist. He thought that would be a much better place. This first song is a political message that is in a beautiful melody. Lennon realized that the softer approach would bring the song to a wider audience, who hopefully would listen to his message. When Neil Young covered this song, just after 9/11, he changed the lyric to "Imagine no possessions, I wonder if I can..." In this way, Young was acknowledging

  • Persuasive Essay On Rage

    1294 Words  | 3 Pages

    When you feel that rage burning that is when you have it. With any fire it needs to be controlled. For example and a little story. My greatest hate is my birth mother and her failures. I did not take my anger out on her or stuff like that. Changing someone else takes too much work for the pay off most of the time. I took this rage and pointed it at my self. I get pissed at my own actions if I ever mess up. I never blame others anymore, I only look to myself and ask what I could have done better.

  • John Lennon's Dream

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Lennon, singer and songwriter, was born on October 9, 1940 and was assassinated on December 9, 1980. Although he passed away very young, Lennon was known as a legend. His music had left an impact on the whole world. People from different countries knew and loved Lennon’s music especially his song Imagine. Written in 1971, the song became a big success. Imagine was known to have a strong political message. It was a song that was heard and interpreted throughout the whole world. Many people to

  • Eulogy for Mother - How do you Measure Greatness?

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    Ask me not how she died, rather ask me how she lived! How do you measure greatness? People often confuse notoriety and fame with greatness, but I would say that the greatness of a person is measured by the compassion and love they show towards others-- in short-- charity. As the Bible says in Corinthians, “If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have charity, I am nothing.” It is all too easy to ignore the needs of those around us. But Mother did not. She taught us that

  • Autobiography Of My Father

    1689 Words  | 4 Pages

    My mother married my stepfather Sgt. Brian Rand when I was young. We had grown very close to each other and I would do anything to protect him and as he would for me. I, of course, could not protect him when he went to overseas for tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Korea. Luckily, he came back safe from each one. My parents’ relationship began to fall apart. They constantly fought and eventually their marriage ended in divorce. My mother, sister, and I moved back to New York, and Brian at some point

  • all about me

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    All about me My interactions with others are affected by my physical self in many ways. For as long as I can remember I have had a very difficult childhood. In my life I have had only my mother. A week before I was born my father left my mother for some other woman. At the age of eleven I started to slit my wrists. Later on in life I learned, that the reason that I was did this was try to get the attention of everyone around me. This only ended up with me getting admitted into the mental word. After

  • The Beatles: The Life And Biography Of John Lennon

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Lennon was a famous musician in the mid 1900’s. John’s full name is John Winston Ono Lennon (John Lennon Biography). He was born on October 9, 1940 in England. John died due to a gun shot when he was only 40 years old. He married twice, and had a child with each of his wives. John Lennon was a legend first found with the Beatles, and then he became a very popular solo artist. In the summer of 1956 he met Paul McCartney, and then they began writing songs together and the two of them eventually

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Imagine By John Lennon

    1143 Words  | 3 Pages

    Rhetorical Analysis of "Imagine" by John Lennon "Imagine there 's no heaven, it 's easy if you try," (John Lennon, Imagine). The first line of one of the most sensational, emotion filled songs causes the listener to think. This song is considered one of the most beautiful and meaningful pieces to the world. John Lennon, singer, songwriter, and co-founder of the Beatles, is remembered as a leader in efforts to reach world of love. Although murdered in 1980, his music is still relevant today. His

  • John Lennon Biography

    1399 Words  | 3 Pages

    Early years John Winston Ono Lennon was an english singer-songwriter who stormed the world with his band, the Beatles. He promoted peace with his fame and changed the world forever. He was born in 1940 in Liverpool, England during a German air strike in the World War II where he also grew up with his parents, Julia Lennon and Alfred Lennon. His father was often away from home and wasn’t present at his birth, but sent regular pay cheques to where they lived. Julia and Alfred separated when John was only

  • Mark Lennon: The Biography Of The Life Of John Lennon

    2036 Words  | 5 Pages

    This essay is based on the biography of the life of John Lennon, life with Yoko Ono and the murderer Mark Chapman. It is an essay on based his way of life, and his achievements obtained til the day of his death. Singer and British musician, founder of the mythical group The Beatles, a quartet that he formed in the city of Liverpool with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool on October 9, 1940, while the Nazis bombed the city, his father, called

  • John Lennon Hero

    1206 Words  | 3 Pages

    people living life in peace.” By that eight word snippet from one of John Lennon’s most respected pieces of art, you should be able to tell what kind of man he was. Most people know him as one of the four of, in my opinion, of the most legendary bands of all time, The Beatles. One who inspired millions to pursue their dreams, passions, and anything their heart desired. Let me ask you one question, when you think of John Lennon, what do you think of? Do you think of his long hair? The round glasses

  • What Are John Lennon's Major Accomplishments

    1798 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the Life of John Lennon John Lennon was a gifted and talented artist, so unique and phenomenal that millions of American youths followed him and the Beatles during the 1960’s. Even after the Beatles disbanded, his fan base continued to follow him. John was an extraordinary composer and wrote hundreds of songs by himself and with his fellow Beatle’s band member, Paul McCartney. While John is primarily known for his singing, he also staged peace demonstrations in hopes to impact the day’s youth

  • Analysis Of Imagine By John Lennon

    923 Words  | 2 Pages

    In 1971, during the mists of the Vietnam war, John Lennon released the song Imagine which captivated people across the world. The two-verse song became one of his most famous in his solo career and continues to play worldwide today. Lennon uses his song to express his disproval of the Vietnam-War as he sings about peace and unity. For the rest of the 70’s Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, protested the war through music as they produced multiple songs on his distaste for war. The song has become the

  • The History of the Beatles

    1522 Words  | 4 Pages

    The History of the Beatles The Beatles are known to many as one of the greatest bands of all time. Their music has influenced many people, including the Queen of England, future musicians, parents, and teens. All four, Ringo Starr, Paul McCarteny, John Lennon, and George Harrison, were knighted by the Queen. The controversy of the statement made by John Lennon that "sparked protesters everywhere to burn countless records. Teens were influenced by the peaceful lyrics and hippie messages

  • Spirituality and John Coltrane

    3934 Words  | 8 Pages

    Spirituality and John Coltrane After being fired from Miles Davis's band in 1957 for his chronic use of heroin, John Coltrane was hurt tremendously. He decided it was time he quit using heroin. He took a month off from music while he went "cold turkey." During this month in the early spring of 1957, Coltrane had a momentous religious experience (Nisenson, 40). Coltrane asked God to give him "the means and privilege to make others happy through music" (Coltrane, 1995, 2). As time went on