Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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Many pit bulls are punished for the wrongdoings of their owners. Though pit bulls are a fighting dog they are not always dangerous. Pit bulls are rejected from society because their owners teach them to fight and to maim. In a position statement on pit bulls it exclaims, “Dogs used for fighting needed to be routinely handled by people; therefore aggression toward people was not tolerated. Any dog that behaved aggressively toward a person was culled or killed, to avoid passing on such an undesirable trait,”(Position Statement on Pit bulls). For a pit bull to be a nasty harmful dog they have to be pressured and trained by their owners to fight. Though it sounds barbarous it still happens. Dog fighting is an illegal sport and pit bulls are the …show more content…

Pit bulls are actually bred for companionship and comfort. An article talks about this, it states, “They were descended from the original English bull-baiting dogs, which were which were bred to take on animals much larger than themselves, including bulls and bears. Nowadays though, they are commonly bred for work and companionship,”(Blame the Breeder, not the Breed. Pit bulls deserve a good life (COLUMN)). Pit bulls aren’t originally vicious. On a website article on how pit bulls got such a bad reputation it pronounces, “There’s no mention of pit bulls as vicious and no call for a ban of the breed, just a human who is held responsible for inducing the dogs to attack. Ironically, though, it is in Florida forty years after this incident that the first breed-specific ban is enacted,”(2017). When you look at a pit bull what do you think? That is a vicious disgusting creature who’ll kill on command but, if you look at a pug you think that it’s so cute. The percentage of a pug biting you is higher than a pit bull. On a website article, it says, “While more Pit Bulls bit someone, they weren’t more likely to bite

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