Deciphering Responsibility: Addressing Child Obesity

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Who Fault Is It? Who is to blame for my child being over 200 pounds? It has to be the government, oh no it must be the Fast-Food companies, or it might be the parents, better yet it’s the child’s fault. Many are looking to see who is the blame for the increase in obesity rate. Well, everyone can stop pointing fingers at each other because it is the government, the Fast- Food companies, and the parents’ responsibility to avoid obesity and gain a healthier lifestyle. Obesity has become a huge problem in this country, 34.9% or 78.6 million of adults in the United States are obese. Obesity also affects children between the ages of 2-19 years old, there is approximately 17% or 12.7 million children that are obese. Obesity can cause very serious …show more content…

Nonetheless, we spend billions of dollars on health care, treating obesity conditions rather than actually treating obesity. In Michelle Obama remarks to the NAACP National Convention (2010) she proposes a program called “Let’s Move” a program to encourage and educate for better eating, one of her plans is to “get more kids to participate in daily physical education classes” (Graff 426). If this proposal becomes true it would help children understand their bodies and the benefits of taking care of it. Besides, if we leave them to exercise at school they may love it and practice it during their leisure time. Mrs. Obama continues this proposal by stating that “all families [should] have access to fresh, affordable food in their residential districts where they exist” (Graff 427). In urban communities you rarely see a Food4Less, Smart&Final, Ralph, Trader Joes, or even a Fresh&Easy; yet there are Fast-Food companies on every corner. “Drive down any thoroughfare in America, and I guarantee you’ll see one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants. Now, drive back up the block and try to find someplace to buy a grapefruit” (Zinczenko 392). If there is an increase in Super Markets, there will be more home cook meals and eating of fruits and …show more content…

Parents play an important role in forming their child’s early eating habits. When your child receives an A+ on his/her math test, what do you reward your child with? An ice cream cone or an apple? Usually parents reward their child with an ice cream cone. But if your child constantly does good do you constantly reward them with ice cream cone? No, parents should not reward their children with sugary snacks because it will soon become a norm for the child. So when they have done something good they feel as if they need the ice cream cone or other sugary snacks. If you want to reward your kids for achieving their goals take them to the park, give them a fruit bowl, or even a hug. Parents are also responsible for what goes in their child stomach during dinner time, so break out your pots and pans moms and dads, because from this day forward we are cooking homemade meals. Home cook meals will allow you to have “complete control over the type and quality of ingredients in your meals” (Roizman). As well as allowing them to take out the extra salt, sugar or fats that are seen in fast food restaurants. Tracey Roizman also states that “preparing most of your meals at home helps train your palate toward healthier fare” in her article known as The Advantages of a Home Cooked Meal. When you are cooking don’t forget the fruits and vegetables on your child’s plate. I know

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