Persuasive Essay On Guns In Schools

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It is only the second month of 2018, and there has already been 18 school shooting in the United States, that’s a huge problem! This has been the biggest discussion lately; are guns the problem or are people? There are nearly enough guns in the United States alone to give to every man, woman, and child; how are they all going to be taken away? Instead of making everyone think guns are the problem maybe we should do a better job with helping people’s mental state because maybe that is the real problem. “Americans reflexively demand gun control. The instinct is understandable. But that doesn’t mean such initiatives will be effective beyond the margins.” states Shiha Dalamia. So instead what should be done to lessen these shootings? People are always going to find a way to get guns into public places, they most likely have been making a plan on how …show more content…

For example; the young man that shot seventeen students and staff at his own school in Florida. That young man put videos of him cutting his own wrists on social media along with a message saying that he was going to bring guns and start a shooting in the school, and yet no one looked into his mental health and he was able to stay in school the whole time. Messages like those should be looked into, and that child should have got help with his mental illness. No one can take guns from all people. Congress can pass all the regulations it wants, and even declare outright ban on guns, and yet anyone who still wants a gun that bad will be able to get one. Reducing America’s stockpile on guns might make it more difficult for a potential killer to get a firearm undetected, but that won’t require a ban on guns that may require a war on guns. Yet a war on guns may just kill more people than all of the shootings every year, and in the end we will still have guns and there will still be shootings. There is no way to prevent them

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