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Discussion on teachers carrying guns
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Discussion on teachers carrying guns
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During my last year of high school, we were required to create a senior project in order to graduate. The project was of your choice, but you had to do extensive research on the topic and prepare a presentation. I chose gun safety, the do’s and don’ts of how to properly keep your gun safe. The reason I mentioned this is because back then I really didn’t realize the potential a gun has to end a life. Without the proper controls it can be a lethal weapon. Currently there are certain measures to control the flow guns and restrict the access to certain individuals who may pose a threat, but they don’t seem to be working. Some people argue that the current gun control measures should be remove, while others think they should be reinforced. The truth …show more content…
Vizzard uses a format of timeline to present his article. First, recalling the first implementations of gun measures and its effects. Stating that, it took several high profile assassinations to finally have a move for better gun regulations. Vizzard then moves on to discuss how the current gun measures fail to make a difference. Finally vizzard proposes various plans, which only purpose is to improve gun measures. William J Vizzard is a professor emeritus of Criminal Justice at California State University. It’s stated that, “Vizzard spent twenty-seven years as a special agent, supervisor, and manager in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms” (1). This article is not Vizzards only work; he has published other papers related to guns. This article usefulness is based on the fact that; it provides a historic background on the topic of the research which many papers fail to do.
Moorhouse, John C., and Brent Wanner. "Does Gun Control Reduce Crime Or Does Crime Increase Gun Control?" CATO 26.1 (2006): 103-24. Business Source Complete. Web. 20 Mar.
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They made several studies and surveys from various years, and showed that the majority of students oppose carry concealed guns. In fact most of them feel less safe with the idea that students carry guns with them. It’s a sense of not feeling safe in campus. All three authors work in colleges and more specifically, the justice department. They are educated, reliable sources. The reason I actually find this article to be of great interest, is because my school is allowing concealed carry guns next year. Is something I totally disapprove, but it doesn’t really matter the student’s opinions, is whoever is in power that decides for
In “Stop Worrying About Guns in the Classroom. They’re Already here.” the author, Erik Gilbert, argues in favor of the law allowing the concealed carry of firearms in college campuses. Gilbert claims that it’s futile to be “worried by the prospect of having guns in [the] classroom” because he believes that even before the bill was passed, some students and faculty were already carrying firearms to campus (Gilbert). Furthermore, he insinuates that despite the presence of firearms, there were no incidents of student or faculty causing harm. To support his argument, the author provides incidents which have occurred over the last decade at his campus, such as accidental discharge of guns in dorms, firearms in student’s vehicles, and one faculty member who was discovered to be in possession of a gun in an on-campus facility. Considering these incidents and previous knowledge of “prevailing regional attitudes towards guns”, the author assumes that significant numbers of students, and possibly faculty, bring guns on campus regularly (Gilbert). As for those who are afraid due to the new law, he declares to them that firearm permit-holders are not dangerous by comparing the rate of their crimes to that of police officers. He also reasons that permit holders need to be at least 21 to qualify—claiming that the more mature students qualify—and have background checks performed.
Safranski, and Muen Bae. "The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws:." American Journal of Economics and Sociology 56.1 (2010): 41-50. Web.
...ent Wanner. "Gun Control Laws Do Not Reduce Violent Crime." Violence. Ed. Louise Gerdes. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Does Gun Control Reduce Crime or Does Crime Increase Gun Control?" Cato Journal 26 (Winter 2006): 103-122. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.
While the opposing team fears that this law may bring more deaths, and will not solve any issues but create new ones, it will also make campuses an unsafe place for students and faculty. The majority of the students who attend universities or in general do not have a license to carry a weapon, but that still does not stop how unsafe people feel in classrooms, or in their dorms. In my opinion, I am someone who opposes the campus carry law. I believe that weapons bring nothing but danger and fear, and many other students and professors feel the same way.
Moorhouse, John C., and Brent Wanner. "Does Gun Control Reduce Crime or Does Crime Increase Gun Control?" CATO Journal 26.1 (2006): 103-24. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 15 June 2015.
In this article the author Fawn Johnson gives us a brief look of what goes on during the great gun control debate. This article gives us a look at the gun control proposals, from American’s not bein...
Opposing sides have for years fought over the laws that govern firearms. For the purposes of this paper "Gun Control" is defined as policies enacted by the government that limit the legal rights of gun owners to own, carry, or use firearms, with the intent of reducing gun crimes such as murder, armed robbery, aggravated rape, and the like. So defined, gun control understandably brings favorable responses from some, and angry objections from others. The gun control debate is generally publicized because of the efforts of the Pro-Gun Lobby or the Anti-Gun Lobby.
Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses. Nevertheless, guns should be permitted for concealed carry on college campuses if the carriers have concealed-carry licenses because mass shootings occur mostly in gun-free zones. There have been many incidents in which concealed-carry holders have disarmed attackers, and concealed-carry holders are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens. However, the argument’s opponents believe guns should not be allowed on college campuses for various reasons, including: professors might be afraid to issue bad grades, a gun may go off by accident, college
Moorhouse, J.C. and Brent Wanner. “Does Gun Control Reduce Crime or Does Crime Increase Gun Control?” Cato Journal, 26(1), (2006): 103-124. ProQuest. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.
Guns, Crime, and Freedom states that, no gun law which restricts the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns has been proven to reduce crime or homicides, not even the Brady Law and the “Clinton Crime Bill.” These two laws st...
Crime and guns. The two seem to go hand in hand with one another. But are the two really associated? Do guns necessarily lead to crime? And if so do laws placing restrictions on firearm ownership and use stop the crime or protect the citizens? These are the questions many citizens and lawmakers are asking themselves when setting about to create gun control laws. The debate over gun control, however, is nothing new. In 1924, Presidential Candidate, Robert La Follete said, “our choice is not merely to support or oppose gun control but to decide who can own which guns under what conditions.” Clearly this debate still goes on today and is the very reason for the formation of gun control laws.
Zimring, Franklin E. �Firearms, Violence, and the Potential Impact of Firearms Control.� Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 32.1(2004): 34-37.
middle of paper ... ... Law enforcement and criminal imprisonment have more of an effect on crime than any gun control law. Gun education and hunter’s education also improved. Focusing efforts on the root of the problem has yielded results and lowered crime.
Billy Bob is a law-abiding citizen, and Greg is a criminal. The United States of America decided guns were too dangerous, so the government took them away. Billy Bob works at a Winn Dixie, and his day was about to be the worst of his life. Greg comes in with a gun he bought off the black market, and he holds everyone hostage and kills most of them. Before the United States took all the guns away, Billy Bob had a concealed carry permit which allowed him to carry his gun to work with him every day. That day would have turned out differently if the United States had not taken guns away from law abiding citizens. Tightening gun control laws will not help control mass shootings. It would just increase them because only criminals will have guns,
Gun safety is a subject that has been a main topic in the past few years among many, especially within politics. It is something that has become a substantial topic in the past few years due to many shootings and accidents that have occurred with today’s youth. It is a topic that needs to be addressed.