Persuasive Essay On Free Birth Control

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Welcome to America: land of opportunity and most importantly, free. Well, unless you're a young, possibly teenage girl seeking birth control. We have people with extreme morals and religious beliefs making those decisions for you! Let us not forget the people saying sex education is tainting our youth's brains, yet wonder why they lack the basic knowledge on STDs. Remember, "Choice is an essence of personal freedom," (Brooks, ...About Life Control). Therefore leading to the point that birth control should be complimentary to all. Giving girls of all ages birth control is about handing them something essential: life control. It should ultimately be up to the girl on how she wants to control her life. We shouldn't have people interfere with these girls' options just because of morals or religious beliefs. Little Amanda seeking out birth control in order to protect herself and controlling her life should not have to fret because Carole from the Church says it goes against her beliefs. The talk of complementary birth control has, "...generated numerous lawsuits because so many Americans have strong religious and moral objections," (Turner, ...Sex Without Consequence). I do respect …show more content…

The obvious one being that we, " [have] brought teen pregnancies and abortions to a historic low," (Gilliam, ...Only the Start). However, this was only achievable on behalf of high-quality health care. With nurses with proper training being able to guide these young girls, we're able to achieve the same results in the future. Further benefits would be shrinking the Welfare percentage. Welfare is a topic people definitely go ballistic over. Welfare is especially popular for young moms or teen moms since they cannot afford to live without it. Here's the perfect opportunity for America to cut those rates. If you're as a matter of fact actually are serious about cutting those rates, free contraception is a good place to

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