Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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Drunk driving is a very dumb and stupid way too drive your vehicle. In 2012 10,076 people were killed by drunk drivers including the driver, occupants, and even non passengers. Have you ever thought about the dangers of driving alone? Now imagine involving alcohol with that and it is very dangerous and stupid to do. The first reason why you shouldn't drive under the influence is that it can cause harm to yourself and other innocent people around you. Next how do you think your spouse,kids, or parents would feel if you were killed in a drunk driving accident, that is not fair for them. Also, that drunk driving incident can land you in jail or even prison and a hefty fine, and the guilt of having caused much harm to someone else that didn't deserve it. In conclusion you should never mix alcohol and driving together or else the results could be disaster. …show more content…

Every 53 minutes someone dies from a drunk driving related accident in America alone. This is way too many deaths because of something that could have been prevented such as not drinking and driving. If we start cracking down and solving the issues of people drinking and driving we can make our world a better place. So many peoples lives are affected by drunk drivers in a negative way that can never be undone to the victims. Imagine losing someone very close too you because of a drunk driver, how would that make you feel? Personally for me I would be so angry and sad that some person decided to drink and get behind the wheel even though they know its dangerous and do that. Drunk driving is never okay and we should set a good example for the next generations to come and not drink and

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