Persuasive Essay On Drunk Driving

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, “every day in America, 29 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes. That is one person every 50 minutes.” This shocking statistic should trouble many, yet the rates have remained the same for decades. Scientific research has proven that drinking affects vision, hand/eye coordination, and reflexes, all of which are essential in order to drive safely. With this in mind, it seems people continue to take part in drunk driving and risk the wellbeing of themselves and those around them. In this essay, the reasons why people continue to drink and drive will be analyzed as well as initiatives that could be put in place to address this concerning trend. There are many common reasons as to why people continue to drink and drive despite numerous public service campaigns. From the false sense of relaxation while under the influence to the inability to judge one’s own sobriety, it seems that many people believe they are invincible when in reality, they are not. Alcohol consumption can alter your state of mind and perception, which affects your mental processing making complex tasks like driving difficult. …show more content…

and Puerto Rico, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration [BAC] higher than .08. Nationally, there have been harsh penalties against those who continue to drink and drive including fines, jail time, community service, and more. However, drunk driving still makes up “approximately one-third of all traffic crash fatalities in the United States.” Many states have been adopting different strategies to combat drunk driving including sobriety checkpoints, ignition interlocks, alcohol screenings and interventions, and school-based educational programs. All of these policies seek to derail this growing trend and educate the public about this dangerous

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