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Impact of drinking and driving
Essay on the effects of drinking
Effects of driving while drunk
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Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations in which anyone can be or be placed. Drinking and driving is a serious offence that can cause someone to be physically harm or even killed. Not only are you putting yourself at risk but you are also risking the lives of passengers in the car as well as any other car and occupants sharing the road with you. Many people believe that increasing fines for drunk driving offenders will play a compelling role in cutting down the occurrences of driving under the influence. However, while harsher DUI laws will look effective on paper, they will not make a significant step in the fight against drunk driving. Although there is a law enforced for drinking and driving in the …show more content…
They are never going to be able to reclaim their normal life, while the offenders after a few days in prison are released and put on probation. Situations such as this begs to ask a question of fairness and justice. The penalties for a DUI in Texas are insufficient and need to be changed. A person with a first offense of a DUI gets a minimum of 3 to 180 days’ jail time and up to $2,000 in fines and penalties and requires no use of an interlock ignition device. South Dakota’s DUI penalties include no minimum jail time or fine for a first or second offense, no administrative license suspension, and no ignition interlock requirement. It had the number one fatality rate from 1995-2013 and the number nine rate for 2013 alone. Nevertheless, there are still far too many people dying each year because intoxicated people get behind the wheel. Many people believe that changing the law for a DUI would not help, that drinking is uncontrolled and one of the toughest addictions to break, bars will remain open, and stores will continue to sell beer. If it was you or your loved one that died as a result of someone else 's driving drunk, would you still feel the same way? Would you still think that the laws shouldn’t change? Driving is a privilege and a responsibility. Drivers should always take this responsibility to heart before getting behind the wheel of an automobile. They should think about the pedestrians walking along the
I think that it is agreed by all parties that the prodigious number of sober drivers in our neighborhoods, city streets, and country roads is at present deplorable to the state of our great nation. Currently, a whopping ninety-eight percent of Americans of driving age feel threatened by those who drive under the influence of alcohol, which means that only two percent of Americans are able to fully relax and enjoy themselves while on the road, and with the growing awareness, this number could be on the rise (MADD Online: General Statistics 1). What a travesty! All drivers, and passengers alike, should be put at the same risk for danger, be it damage, injury, or death.
Impaired driving is a major issue in our society and is an issue that can easily be preventable unlike many other legal issues. The punishment of impaired driving is barely considered when impaired drivers operates a vehicle while under the influence. It is seen as lenient and study shows that it is a conviction that is repeated multiple times. In order to avoid all of these issues and to fill in the flaws of our government system, the punishments regarding the accused’s conviction of crimes related to impaired driving should be far stricter than the current punishments in order to completely stop impaired driving within our flawed
Each year numerous lives are lost due to careless and irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Queensland for years. For many years? police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breathe testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased, so Queensland Transport has composed a series of safe driving campaigns. On many occasions the transport department informs and advises the public about the importance of responsible driving. They propagate safe driving through the various channels of the media. Their safe driving campaign is now using effective propaganda aimed directly at speeding; drink driving and tired and reckless driving
As one of the major social problem, underage drinking can cause negative affect on both teenagers themselves and the whole society. Based on the research, approximately 190,000 youth under 21 visited emergency room for alcohol related hurts, even I accompanied one of my friends to ICU for alcohol poisoning nearly month ago. Annually about 5000 individuals under 21 die from it, not including other mature people directly or indirectly killed by them. Meanwhile, child’s brain and emotional developments are still in process until 20s so that taking alcohol will produce great damage on their body health. For example, alcohol can interfere with children’s capacity to build new, short, and lasting memories of information because it shrinks hippocampus about 10
With thousands of reported deaths each year and countless injuries due to drivers who operate vehicles under the influence of alcohol it’s about time that we step in as a society and help with the problem. Education is the leading probable solution and with our help drivers can learn the dangers of operating a vehicle after consuming alcoholic beverages. Driving while intoxicated is a complicated matter with many negative results. The problems with drunk driving include repeat offenders and the amount of number of fatalities. With that being said, we could help solve this problem by personally getting involved, voting for those who want to force strict laws and punishments on drunk drivers, and utilizing new technology in society that will prevent those who frequently drive under the influence from endangering us on the roads.
Statistics shows that every 51 minutes in the United States someone is killed in a drunk driving accident, that’s an equivalent to 27 people every day (www.dosomething.org). Instead of choosing to walk, take a cab, or have a designated driver, drivers choose to drive. By making the choice to drive under the influence, they are risking everything. In addition to choosing an alternative way home, repeat offenders would have to use the ignition interlock (Impaired Driving). Laboratory studies have shown that most drivers, even experienced drivers, are impaired with the low BAC level of 0.05 (Fell, J. C.).
Today, teenagers grow up in a world that glamorizes underage drinking. We see it in television advertisements, movies, magazines, snapchat stories, you name it, and we have probably seen it. In the United States the minimum limit drinking age (MLDA) is 21, but in many other countries such as Canada and almost everywhere in Europe, their MLDA is 18 or 19. Many criticize the United States, having one of the highest MLDAs, due to the fact that teenagers haven’t had the opportunity to learn how to drink safely and responsibly. In America most students reach college from the age of 17 to 19 and are drawn into the world of parties, which almost always includes alcohol. The only prior knowledge students have on the subject is what they have gathered from watching their parents, or more likely what they have seen on television or
Dreams are people’s expectations for a better tomorrow. However, intoxicated drivers shatter those dreams without a reason or warning. Even with all the advertisements that highlights the dangers and effects of driving drunk, yet people still chose to drive while intoxicated. Many advocates are working hard to get these people off the streets, and they have been able to reduce the number of alcohol related crashes. Organizations such as Mothers against Drunk Driving have acted alongside law enforcement to reduce the horrific statistics. However, so many innocent lives are still taken by drunk drivers. In order to lower the rate of drunk driving in the United States, there is a need to revoke drunk drivers’ licenses, a need for higher rate of conviction, and a need to make ignition interlocks
Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families. Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol- related traffic crashes and 600,000 Americans are injured (NCADD). That's is and average of one fatal accident every thirty minutes. Every thirty minutes someone's life has ended and his or her family and friends left to weep. Anyone of these accidents could easily be a family member, relative, or neighbor. Most of these alcohol-related crashes are not just cuts and bruises. People are paralyzed, severely disfigured, or have lost the ability to live out a normal life with work and having fun are now activities that now rely on the aid of others.
Every day in the United States, 28 people die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-impaired driver. That is one death every 51 minutes.(“Impaired Driving: Get the Facts”) Drunk driving has taken too many lives, and this problem is continuously growing. A death caused by drunk driving not only affects the victim, but also the families and friends of the victim. It only takes one night, one drink, and one decision for drunk driving to cause its life changing damage. There are many solutions to prevent drunk driving, but they will only work if they are strictly enforced.
“An estimated 4 million U.S. adults reported driving under the influence of alcohol at least once in 2010 yielding an estimated 112 million alcohol-impaired driving episodes” (Chambers, M., Liu, M., & Moore, C.). Driving while under the influence over the legal limit is illegal, therefore should be strongly enforced. “Here are 10 things that happen when you’re stopped for driving under the influence (DUI): You will get arrested, you will go to court, your driver’s license will be suspended, you will pay fines, you may go to jail, you may receive probation, you may need to attend DUI school, you could be asked to attend an alcohol evaluation, and you may have to pay higher auto insurance” (Wutke, S.). Most first time DUI cases will be dismissed with a warning or small fine. Offenders with their first, second, and even third offense still may only get a warning or fine causing them to believe that drinking and driving isn’t a serious offense.
The more intoxicated the driver is the more they become unable to safely get to a destination. Every year more and more innocent individuals are dying due to drunk driving collisions. These inexcusable circumstances have impacted numerous families.
In the past few years there has been people getting pulled over for drinking under the influence. It is really dangerous for anyone to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Anyone who does this could endanger his or her life including others. There are so many people who has lost their lives because people want to make a mistake by driving under the influence not thinking twice about what could happened to them or other people. People don’t know that if they get caught driving for DUI then it stays on their record forever.
Alcohol is like a drug to many people. It is a worldwide fact that alcohol is the most drug utilized in America. There are many types of alcohol such as spirits, liquors, wines/champagne and beer. Most of these have the same kind of effect on you. Many people drink alcohol because it’s always available, or because alcoholism, and lastly to drown in their sorrows.
Countries”, written by Bryan Rookey, an Associate Professor at the University of Portland, is quoted “although driving a vehicle while intoxicated has been against the law, social definition of drunk driving has changed” (Rookey 4). The rate at which drunk drivers are pulled over and charged has increased more and more with every year, even with the laws that are in place. There are more and more people on the roads that could be charged with drunk driving. The fact that they could get lucky and not get caught is another