Persuasive Essay On Diversity In College

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Many institutions tend to diversify their campuses, but it is hard for them to accommodate with everyone. They often try to create awareness amongst their students to advice and persuade them to respect one another and except their difference too. Recent years, having diverse student body became a good way that colleges to praise themselves in order to attract new students. It became a good incentive that many colleges are competing against each other in order to make their campuses more tolerant. Even though diversity and accepting difference is widely recognized in many institutions, but every college has its own ways of applying these values. However, I disagreed with student for asking the college to modify its policy of requiring freshmen …show more content…

The college made its rules in order to give its students a better education where they can achieve their goals. However, Alisha, the orthodox Jaw student, made unfair arguments where he blamed the college in way that they intended to discriminate him and his friends (Hack 2). He misunderstood that the college is more concerned about its student’s than he thought. College does not want to make the students to feel isolated and disrespected, but rather they want their students to be combatable in their spaces. I understand that college cannot satisfy every single student, but they are always ready to accommodate with the students who particular have some concerns about the residence or education. According to Richard, the dean of Yale College, mentioned in his article, Dormitory Life Is Essential to a Yale Education, that it is one of the Yale’s core values to keep their students in the dormitory for first two years in order to let students to have intercultural conversation regarding their distinct beliefs (Brodhead 1). So, the whole point of keeping students in the campus is a good way that students can meet one another in order to feel comfortable around each …show more content…

Possibly it can be a slippery slope where everybody wants a change. If the situation turns out this way, they college will lose its reputation and every other rule that had been applied to the student will be softened. Rules are made because to support the college to maintain its status. The college spent a lot of time to figure out which rules can work both for students and the college, but it is hard to find a rule that makes everyone happy. The college can lose its trust for its students if they change their residence policy because rules are what makes the institutions to function properly. There is only one option that the college can apply to this situation, compromising with the student as I mentioned earlier. The college can make a common ground where the students get little bit what they demanded and the college policy remains untouched.
The finally remarks of the situation will be that college policy stays the same, but these students deserve to talk out their claims with the college officials if they are willing to. It is professionally appropriate for the college to insist to their rules unless the rules are vicious to the entire student body. The college did not make the rules without scrutinizing the negative consequences that can yield it in the

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