Persuasive Essay On Distracted Driving

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According to the U.S Department of Transportation, ten percent of all drivers from ages fifteen to nineteen that were involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crashes. Therefore, it can be seen that distracted driving is a major issue among many drivers in this generation. Unfortunately, many times distracted driving can end up in horrid tragedy almost as fast as the time it takes for someone to look down at their phone and get distracted. Many organizations have created advertisements, and public service announcements that help shine the light on these serious issues, and help educate people. Videos, and photos depicting the dangers and consequences of distracted driving can be seen throughout many platforms. Yet, the effectiveness of public service announcements on the general public is …show more content…

In reality, it can be argued that Public Service Announcements may only help short-term, before people revert to doing the same damaging behaviors as they did before, under the mentality that “it won’t happen to them”.

Being distracted while behind the wheel can be seen as one of the most perilous things a driver can do. According to, “In 2014, 3,179 people were killed, and 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers”. While Public Service Announcements pertaining to distracted driving aim to help resolve this issue, the actual effectiveness of these advertisements, and campaigns is very questionable. Although Public Service Announcements can leave an imprint in the people that view them, it can be seen that these “imprints” are only temporary before people revert to doing the same damaging behaviors as they did before, claiming that “it will not happen to them because it has not happened before.” According to Safety First Driving School, AT&T, a prominent campaigner against texting and driving conducted a survey among teenagers and found out that 97% of teenagers know that texting and driving is

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