Persuasive Essay On Contraceptives

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How can contraceptives help students if it is given out at school? If contraceptives such as birth control, condoms, plan B etc. were given out at schools it can reduce teen pregnancy, spread of STD’s, dropout rates due to pregnancy and it can help girls with their health. Students can sometimes be embarrassed or scared to go to a clinic to get what they need to be protected but having a clinic on campus might make the student more comfortable since they won’t have to go out of their way to get contraceptives. On there was a debate about if middle school and high school nurses being able to distribute condoms and other forms of birth controls to students. Sixty eight percent said yes and thirty two percent said no. The people who …show more content…

For every 1,000 girls between the ages fifteen and nineteen, 72.6 got pregnant in 2010 down from 98.8 in 2001. The rate was 43.1 for girls fifteen to seventeen and 114.5 for eighteen and nineteen year old girls. There are about 19,080 teen pregnancies a year in the city down from 24,815 in 2001. Sexual activity has also dropped from 50.9% to 37.8% (Beck). Teens are now using more contraceptives and are slowing down when it comes to having sex. New York City has made it easier for students to have access to condoms, birth control and the morning after pill through their school clinics and since they have been offering it pregnancy is going down (Durkin, …show more content…

If the student is being protected and provided with contraceptives when needed she would have a less chance of getting pregnant and dropping out. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy only Fifty one percent of teen moms earn their high school diploma and graduate compared to the eighty nine percent of teen female students who did not give birth during high school (Marshall, 2011). Teen moms are more likely to drop out because they have a hard time balancing school and taking care of a baby. Within three years of having a child about one quarter of moms go on assistance such as welfare, food stamps etc. High school drop outs are likely to rely on welfare and have higher crime and incarceration rates (Marshall) If graduation rates do not improve, drop outs will cost about three trillion dollars over the next ten years. Getting rid of funding to help prevent teen pregnancy means more dropouts. This can cause loss in tax revenue and more spending on government assistance. If teen pregnancy dropout rates go down tax payers save money. At the end everyone

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