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Circuses abusing animals
Animals used in entertainment
Circuses abusing animals
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Animals are being harmed every day as a source of entertainment. Thousands of people take part in these terrible activities every day, and they don’t realize what is truly happening to these animals. When circus animals, zoo animals, and fighting dogs are out of sight from the public view, people don’t see all the awful things that are happening to them. We shouldn’t use our animals as a source of entertainment because they are being removed from their natural habitat, it involves extremely cruel training, and it reduces an animal's lifetime by a significant number of years.
Before these animals are put through pure torture for the rest of their lives, they have to be removed from their homes. Animals often get beat up by other animals when
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They are dying so soon in their life because they are spending life in confinement. Keeping animals captive reduces their lifespan by a significant number of years. In the wild, sea animals could swim hundreds of miles each day. Wild land animals could run freely around their natural habitat. The average lifespan for a wild dolphin is 25 to 50 years, but when they are held captive they die within the first two years. Male orcas live up to 30 to 60 years in the wild, female orcas live 50 to 90 years in the wild. In captivity orcas often die within the first 10 years of being there.(2) People do not care about the travel conditions that traveling animals suffer through. They are forced to be in tiny vehicles, tightly chained, and little to no water. Everyday tigers are being endangered by traveling in a poorly maintenance, and unusually hot 7boxcar.(5) Holding exotic animals captive is horrible for them, as it causes great stress and pain. Animals spend thousands of hours every year alone in cages and chained in non air conditioned vehicles.(5) Wild elephants that are living in areas of Africa and Asia are living twice as long as those in zoos.(3) People cannot keep harming innocent animals. Animals are being removed from their homes and then being continuously moved from place to place in terrible conditions. Death rates are getting higher and higher everyday due to the cruel things that people put
When I was little my teachers would ask me “Cora, What do you want to be when you grow up”? In reality, I couldn’t make up my mind on what I wanted to be ‘when I grew up’. When I was around seven, I went from wanting to be a Veterinarian to being an Astronaut, then back to a Veterinarian again. Around age 10, I wanted to be a dentist, even though I hate mouths. Then I wanted to be a Veterinarian again. Junior Year of high school came and when we started to research colleges and careers I heard that Premed programs were so hard to get into, and I wasn’t fooling anyone with my grades. I did some research on Veterinarians and I discovered that the Veterinarians don’t really handle the animals like I thought they did. Then I learned about Veterinary Technicians, they do so much with the animals. I
Keeping animals locked in cages, bored and cramped up in such a small space is an awful sight to show the children. It creates an image in the little minds of children that animals are to be treated like they don’t matter. They say Zoos are a place where children can learn about the wild, exotic animals, but in reality it doesn't teach them anything only that they are meant to be caged up, which is wrong. Also, it is really painful to see the animals bored and lonely, so why should people keep letting them do this to these beautiful creatures. Animal captivity for entertainment should end to let them go to their rightful home.
Animals are used today for many sources of protection, food, clothing, transportation, sports, entertainment, and labor, but millions of these animals die each year from abuse. “Most of the reasons that people give for denying animals rights are: animals do not have souls, god gave humans dominion over the animals, humans are intellectually superior to animals, humans are intellectually superior to animals, animals do not reason, think, or feel pain like humans do, animals are a natural resource to used as humans see fit, and animals kill each other” (Evans). It all started in the nineteenth century, when people began abusing animals by beating them, feeding them poorly, providing them with no shelter or poor shelter, left to die if they were sick or old, or by cruel sports. Most of the organized efforts to improve human treatment of animals all started in England. Around the 1800s, there was signs of rising concern for animal welfare in the United States.
For thousands of years scientist have been performing vivisections on animals to find information on new chemicals, drugs, and vaccines. Vivisection is when scientist perform dissections among living animals mostly for the purpose of educating and retrieving information. Experimenting on animals has become the tool that has helped us comprehend the body functions of an animal and how a disease transforms the bodily functions, but over the years it’s caused animal rights activists to question the usefulness and the sincerity of using animals for this purpose. Although animal research has been helpful in the past, it is morally wrong in the sense that experimenting on animals is not the only way to collect information. There are other alternatives
“Animal Entertainment” refers to any animals used to act, perform, or fight for the enjoyment of humans. zoos, circuses, and bullfighting are all examples of animals used for entertainment. While many applaud these firms for putting on a spectacular show, many others argue that the animals are treated unfair. All of these animals are taken out of their natural environment and forced to perform acts not typically in their behavioral range. If one pays close attention at the circus, for example, it is visible how these animals are treated. Trainers threaten tigers with a whip and often hit elephants with metal on their legs. These techniques are inhumane and best explain why animals should not be used for entertainment. The use of animals for entertainment is a form of animal abuse because of the way the
Seeing maimed animals are not pleasant images. Those images sometimes appear across computer and television screens. The advocacy groups who place these images in the public’s view are trying to jolt people into the realization that abuse exists. For every ten seconds that goes by an animal is getting abused (“Animal… Statistics”). One statistic states that “71% of pet-owning women entering women’s shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge or to psychologically control victims; 32% reported their children had hurt or killed animals” (“Animal… Violence”). Animal cruelty comes in several forms, some of which people do not know. There is animal experimenting, animal abuse, and mistreatment of animals. and through revealing the results from research, one discovers the horrific effects of animal abuse.
You wake up in the hospital, look around, and find a doctor hovering nearby declaring that you have just suffered through a heart attack; affirming that if not for your dog, you would have died. You remember back to earlier that day: sitting on the couch, feeling a little off, hearing your dog barking, sensing him nudging you, going to the phone to call the ambulance, and having your dog by your side until you were safe inside the aluminum walls of the emergency vehicle. Although it sounds abnormal that a dog would be the one to save someone’s life, situations similar to the one above are not uncommon. Dogs and other household pets have been shown to be able to detect medical emergencies, including heart attacks and seizures, in their owners.
Fight the Cruelty Animal cruelty is a very sad topic, but it needs to be addressed. Innocent animals are harmed by humans, and not for self-defense or survival. People do this just to do it, and that is why it is so ridiculous. Some do it to benefit from the animal, use them for things like fashion. There are other alternatives to making a fur coat, harming an innocent animal should not be an option.
The abuse that animals endure at human hands is heartbreaking, sickening, and infuriating. Animals are just as delicate as humans, so why not abuse us too? Animal lives should be just important as ours. No animals should be killed or abused for testing, entertaining, clothing, or hoarding. Every year, millions of animals are being killed and torture for testing.
Your parents have probably told you from a young age that if you don’t want to do something, then doesn’t do it. How would you feel if someone was coming at you with chains and whips forcing you to perform in front of an audience, after you made it clear that you didn’t want to perform? This is exactly what animals across have to endure on a daily schedule. The first zoo in the US opened on July 1st, 1875 in Philadelphia, 140 years later the treatment in animals in zoos has not changed dramatically.
Since the beginning of the modern day circus in the early 20th century millions of Americans have enjoyed the performances by both the people and the animals that perform for our entertainment. However, the audience is blinded by shock and awe of the show from what really happens behind the curtain. Animal cruelty, poor living conditions, and lack of legal regulation scars the animals and becomes very dangerous to the overall health of the animals and those who are around them. The mistreatment of animals in circuses has been occurring for far too long, and new laws need to be implemented in an effort to prevent future acts of cruelty toward these animals.
Owning an exotic animal like a lion or a tiger might sound like fun, but in truth it is a tremendous responsibility. Select few people, like the staff members at a wildlife conservation center or animal rescue operation, might be fit for the task of keeping and raising exotic animals but many other people try to raise them as well. These people are, decidedly, unfit for the task and ignorant of what raising a specific exotic animal will entail. The most unfit of these people are the impulse buyers. The ones who see a cute or pretty exotic animal on TV or on the internet and decide that they just have to have one despite knowing little to nothing about the animal they have just purchased.
Circus and Cruel Dark Side: Banned Entertainment Shows with Animals is Proper Way to Solve this Problem because People Can Choose Animal-Friendly Entertainment Options Instead Some people who enjoy circus entertainment today tend to believe that it is not a problem using animals because they are just like that "Animals. " They defend their concept focus on entertainment, to see majestic animals following human directions and bring a show. The cruel dark side behind this spectacle is the most crucial. What really goes behind the curtain? One issue that worries many several animal protectors, is that the show of traveling circuses is not a recent show, the training of animals is very cruel, animals suffer stress before and during the show, and
Should the torture of an innocent animal go unpunished? No, it should not; the real question is to what extent should the perpetrator be punished? The most basic definition of animal abuse is the intentional act of inflicting physical pain, suffering, or death on an animal; this includes monstrous neglect (the act of withholding food and water) that causes an animal to suffer, die, or be put in imminent danger of death. Currently, animal cruelty offenders are not punished to the extent that some believe they should be. Animal cruelty should receive mandatory jail time because the abuse towards an innocent animal is deemed inhumane and oftentimes is a precursor for violence against humans.
Throughout history, man has captured hundreds of different species of animals. These animals are mostly used for entertainment purposes. Wild animals do not belong in captivity where they are stuck in cages for people to see, and for the companies holding them to make money. They are wild for a reason, because that is where they belong, in the wild where they can be free to do what nature intended.