Banning The Circus Research Paper

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Circus and Cruel Dark Side: Banned Entertainment Shows with Animals is Proper Way to Solve this Problem because People Can Choose Animal-Friendly Entertainment Options Instead

Some people who enjoy circus entertainment today tend to believe that it is not a problem using animals because they are just like that "Animals." They defend their concept focus on entertainment, to see majestic animals following human directions and bring a show. The cruel dark side behind this spectacle is the most crucial. What really goes behind the curtain? One issue that worries many several animal protectors, is that the show of traveling circuses is not a recent show, the training of animals is very cruel, animals suffer stress before and during the show, and …show more content…

For example, Ringling Brothers Circus is defined as the "greatest show on earth" and their functions have been represented for 146 years. When I was a child, I only attended the animal circus once in Colombia, and I noticed a lot of cruelty, but my grandfather was happy to see those majestic animals, regardless of their condition. At that time, we have a different vision about animals circus, there was a clash of cultural …show more content…

It is too traumatic. They are trained with whips, metal bars with hook points, electric shocks and other weapons, in addition to being deprived of food. Also, when they do not want to act their tamers give those blows. It is one of the many reasons why we should not support shows with animals. Animals are being forced to commit ridiculous acts that go against their nature. Every time we take the children to see animal performances, we are teaching them that cruelty is fun and that animals do not deserve respect. All those ridiculous acts that animals are forced to do, are causing them stress and fear. It is unfair, that while the animals are being treated like things, the public from their seats, applauds and even laughs. Animals are forced to travel in wagons for a long time. These wagons are narrow, unhealthy and have little ventilation. Many animals have even died when the temperature has exceeded 100 degrees F. They are chained or caged in small places with just enough space to turn around. "It’s just not acceptable any longer to cart wild animals from the city to city and have them perform silly yet coercive stunts," the society's President and CEO Wayne Pacelle ( “Famed Ringling Bros. Circus Closing after More Than 100

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