Persuasive Essay On Canned Food

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Every time you hit the grocery store, no matter how hard you try to keep it to just the essentials (and the store-brand ones at that), the final bill is always more than you had hoped. Worse, you'll probably throw a large portion of it away in a few days' time, because you simply aren't sure if it's still safe to eat. Well, in the interests of saving you money (not to mention avoiding unnecessary waste), here's how you tell if your food has actually gone bad. MILK Milk often lasts much longer in the fridge than most people realize, because most supermarket milk is thoroughly pasteurized before sale. But if you do keep the milk around long enough for it to turn rogue, there are two incredibly obvious signs to give you a hint. First is the …show more content…

However, despite how you need to literally cut through metal to get at the meal, that culinary carapace is not entirely fool-proof. Should bacteria (and other pathogens) find their way into the can, they will create an increase in pressure inside the can as they multiply and feed. This will be obvious, as the can starts to bulge outward and the contents start to get squeezed out of the seems. Other things to watch for are dents, which can compromise the internal coating, and acidic foods, like tomato products, that will eventually corrode the can and give the insides a much shorter shelf …show more content…

Instead, you must do a bit of witchfinder role play. As an egg ages, it slowly loses moisture through its shell, and an air pocket appears inside at one end. The older an egg is, the larger the air pocket, and the more likely the egg is to float. That means, if you treat them like a suspected witch and drop them into a bowl of water, the truth will become obvious. If the egg is old (or a witch, for the purposes of this metaphor), the air bubble will be big enough to make the egg float in cold water. But if the egg is still good it will sink — unlike its innocent non-witch human counterpart, it will not drown, and you can make yourself a nice guilt-free omelette

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