Persuasive Essay: How Salad Can Make Us Fat?

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All over our televisions our minds are brainwashed with the ideal healthy diet. Our media pushes a healthy lifestyle on every thirty second clip of a commercial. The vibrant green vegetables, the crunch of the various peppers, the crisp sound of an apple being bit into flow from our television speakers and their images dance long the forty two inch flat screen. Being healthy is a subject our culture has become obsessed with. Since the beginning of the downfall of America’s health and the ever continuation of our waistlines expanding beyond repair of last seasons jean button that popped off at Thanksgiving, we have been on a one track mind mission to fix our nations disgusting eating habits. Nutritionist across the nation came to a conclusion …show more content…

When forming this vicious cycle habit we already have a premindset of what we should do when putting together a meal, but the bad always overcomes us. The ideal choice of a healthy salad leads us to believe that we have the self control accompanied by the knowledge to choose a healthy lifestyle on our own. The down side to this is once we become aware of this we decide ‘just this once’ we will make an exception. Then we create the just this once decision a repeated event, our self control slips between our fingers, but our minds remain at ease believing we still can choose the salad out of all the fatty foods laid out infront of us. Thus, supporting “how salad can make us fat”. Summary of ‘how salad is making us fat’ Alex Hutchinson discusses the topic of the self control and willpower individuals posses. He explains how when given a mixture of healthy and junk food options, as people we tend to choose the least healthy foods. Continuing, he supports his findings that people believe that they can make up for their ‘cheat’ meal, when in reality we fall short of our self promises. The more we repeat this process the further we drift from our once strong self control and

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