Persuasive Essay About Plagiarism

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Many students do not learn to stop plagiarizing because no serious punishments were enforced before in their lives. These students never truly learning their lesson can be compared to just getting a slap in the wrist that does not really teach a child a lesson versus a kid who gets grounded and has all of toys taken away for a small period of time. Being slapped in the wrist can be compared to a teacher just talking seriously to a student about what was done wrong, in this case plagiarism. Being grounded and getting toys taken away can be compared to a teacher who did take plagiarism seriously and wrote each student an office referral that led to detention or any type of suspension. Whether students were educated enough about plagiarism or …show more content…

Students such as these tend to go online and “obtain, alter, and share creative content”, but fail to realize that plagiarizing is dishonest (Kirszner & Mandell 378). Many of them also fall in the category where they cannot distinguish if they are plagiarizing (Kirszner & Mandell 378). They are essentially naive about what they are actually doing because they never fully grasped the notion of plagiarism (Kirszner & Mandell 378). College professors may not realize there are students like this, and when they are reprimanded about this, they are dumbfounded. Yes, some people may argue there should be a cushion of pity for them, but that will not exactly teach them not to do it again. It would suck for a student to be punished just like every other student for plagiarizing when he or she did not know about it, but that is how college is with nobody getting special treatment. All students are supposed to be held responsible for plagiarism no matter what because they are expected to know that another person’s work and ideas should be respected. Being held accountable in all levels is what colleges do, but sometimes failing and expelling students is not enough to halt the increasing cases of …show more content…

The most popular website,, used by professors has one major fault that is very important in helping students get away with plagiarizing (Luzer). The company that owns also owns the website, which helps “students [avoid] getting caught for plagiarism” (Luzer). Also, the cost efficiency of is attractive for students who know about it because “a 5,000-word paper” has a fee of six dollars and ninety-five cents (Luzer). Essentially, students use as a tool to go under the radar of (Luzer). With an increase in Internet use, students can begin to discover not only, but also many other websites just like it. College professors using and websites just like it fall into believing their students do not have any knowledge about websites allowing students to evade being caught cheating. If professors actually know about how easy it is for students to plagiarize and still get away with it, then they would draw the line with using and other websites just like it. Professors can surely find different methods to avoid being deceived by students thinking they get away with their dishonesty. One method of analyzing papers for plagiarism can be by typing in

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