Persuasive Essay About Leaving You

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Yesterday night when I texted you so much I was out of control, and completely inappropriate. There is so much I want to say to you, but its too late, so I 'll say only what I can here.

We had no future in Michigan, and when I left it was too hard for you to see our future.
Leaving you and losing you now has destroyed me, and it was never the plan. I didn 't have a plan. I just knew we had to move forward, and work together to move beyond Michigan, but I failed you in so many aspects, and was completely untrue to myself.

I should have listened to my gut in LA, and never started pharmacy school to begin with. I chose pharmacy school as a way to build career in pk/pd with a backup plan as a pharmacist. I knew, in case of failure, that pharmacy would bring a better life for us monetarily, so we could get to the next stage of our life. I …show more content…

If it takes holding yourself back and being terse with me, I understand, its only respectful to the person you are seeing. You just want something honest.

If we ever want to get back together, we have to stay happy. We can 't risk anything, and revert to how we were in Michigan. We have to be happy, and create new memories together, if we get back together.

So, do whatever it takes to stay happy, and Ill do everything I can to be happy. Just please communicate with me. Ill reciprocate as much as I can with respect to your relationship.

I am leaving buffalo upon convocation. If there is ever a chance in the future, I will do everything I can to make us work again. I am willing to make mutual compromises, and a lot of things have changed for me regarding my life goals.

I 'm really struggling. In response, Kelly is flying me to Charleston, SC for a week. You can call me anytime if you want to talk about anything I have said here, but I regret blowing up on you and I don 't want to have any impulsive or rash conversations.

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