Persuasive Essay: A Shortage Of Blood

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Everyone in the world has blood flowing through their bodies and it's a necessity for staying alive. There is a great demand for blood, with little to no supply for people who need it. Giving blood is a quick and easy way to help others, and also keeping oneself healthy.
There is a shortage of blood, in the world caused by lack of donors, many ask why there is a shortage when people give all the time. Yes it's true a lot of people do donate, but a large majority do not, because they say they are afraid of the needle stick. Twenty percent of the world's population are afraid of needles, it's a condition called, Belonephobia, and it's a fear of sharp pointed objects, which includes needles. Many people come up with excuses as to why they cannot give, many say they are too busy. The entire donation process takes about an hour, but the …show more content…

Men are more likely to have circulatory viscosity problems, than a menstruating woman.
In a study published in the Journal of the Medical Association researchers found men between the ages 43 to 61 had fewer heart attacks and strokes, when they donated at least every six months. Studies published by, American Journal of Epidemiology, thirty-three percent of blood donors are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease, and 88 percent less likely to suffer from a heart attack.
Blood is the most precious gift one human can give to another, it can be the gift of life. Blood transfusions are needed to help pregnant women who have complications in pregnancy, and also if the women hemorrhages before, during or after childbirth. Blood transfusions are also used for people that have been in a traumatic accident. Blood is also needed everyday for all types of surgeries. Blood transfusions are often used in cancer patients, during

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