Persuasive Essay

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TV is the most common technology device people use and they watch TV for almost all the time. Doctors who know about the advantages and disadvantages in health say that TV does more harmful performances than favorable performances while people who just watch a lot of TV say that doing this is good for them. Since doctors can help cure people and know what is acceptable for them, this would mean that the doctors are correct about TV harming people than on how the people who watch a lot of TV believe that TV can cause them to get benefits in their life from watching TV. This makes the people who just focus on the TV not know about the risks of doing this. The risks of watching TV that makes TV a harmful device to use rather than a beneficial device are that it can cause people to imitate awful behavior, can cause people to have problems involving their health, and that it can take people's time away from doing activities that help them become successful in their life. People who watch a lot of TV think that they are not harmed when they do this since they get educational information from the TV but this however, is not true. Doctors who know what's acceptable for people say that watching TV can cause a lot of harm to people since they can receive behavior problems when doing this. For instance, a person to have a risk of imitating awful behavior from the TV, which is a way on how TV can harm people. According to, this website conveyed that “TV violence sometimes beg for imitation." (How TV Affects Your Child, 3). With this intention, people who see violent content can think that it's ok for them to do violent things in the content, when it's not ok. In addition to TV causing people to imitate awful behavi... ... middle of paper ... ...e. In conclusion, it is clear that people who watch TV can get risks of having problems involving their health and to imitate bad behavior from watching bad things on TV. Although, there are beneficial performances TV can do, people can still get detrimental content from watching TV. Even though TV can teach educational information to people, there are still some risks of people not earning admirable grades and not focusing in school when they don't listen to what the TV says that is educational to them. For the purpose of people doing different types of activities, TV can still distract people from doing them, which makes TV a technology device that is a distraction to people. On the whole, people should be careful on what they watch on the TV, so that they will always gain satisfying materials from the TV and not get harmful materials when watching TV.

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