Personality Profile

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Trait Theories of Personality are described as the theories that endeavor to describe the characteristics that make up human personality in an effort to predict future behavior. Trait in itself is described as a consistent enduring way of thinking, feeling, or behaving. The Big Five Model is a model of personality traits that describes five basic trait dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Openness is defined as the willingness to try new things and be open to new experiences. Conscientiousness is described as the care a person gives to organization and thoughtfulness of others and dependability. Extraversion is the dimension of personality referring to one’s need to be with other people. Agreeableness is conveyed as the emotional style of a person that may range from easygoing, friendly, and likeable to grumpy, crabby, and unpleasant. Finally, neuroticism is the degree of emotional instability or stability. I believe the traits that best describe my personality are Openness, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness. The reason as to why I chose openness is because I am a very adventurous person with a very vivid and active imagination. I enjoy getting to try new things and experience new places and activities. The next trait that I chose was conscientiousness. The reasoning behind choosing this trait is because I’m a very organized person. I constantly have to have all papers for each class in one folder specifically for that class. I also have a specific folder for each class on my computer as well in order to make sure that any document that is for that class is there. On top of just being very organized, I’m also a dependable person. Many times, my family and friends will come to ... ... middle of paper ... ... places and things. Based off the conscientiousness and agreeableness traits, which reflect in my personality, I believe that being a teacher or therapist would be something that I would truly excel at. Both professions require a very dependable and organized person as well someone who is compassionate, friendly, helpful, and easy going. I know from personal experience that the best teachers are the ones that show a sense of compassion for their students and are always there when a student is in need of extra help. Not only this, but when you think of a therapist, you would want a therapist whom is very kind and friendly as well as shows compassion for their patients. If a therapist were to lack these qualities, it would make it harder for their patients to actually be open and willing to talk to them in order to get the help that they might be needing and seeking.

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