Personal Statement: My Interest In Sideline Reporting

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I-Search: Sports Broadcasting
I chose my topic to be Sports Broadcasting, with a specific interest in Sideline Reporting. I selected this topic because from my experience with being a Canton football manager I have found that there is no better place to watch the game than from being on the sidelines. This career seems very exciting and enjoyable, especially when at an experienced level on the grounds of various professional sporting events.
I would like to find out more about sideline reporting because the atmosphere of the work place sparks my interest. If I were to pursue this profession, I would like to understand how I could achieve my ultimate goal. I am eager to understand what it takes to make it to the sidelines of major sporting events, such as the World Series, the Super Bowl or even just any regular season professional game. From what I can observe, many sideline reporters seem outgoing, friendly and have the capability of thinking on their feet, but many people …show more content…

I have discovered what I would need to work on and how to prepare in advance, in order to have a great chance of being successful. Some key things I learned was that the job can be stressful, so time management is necessary and that an internship would benefit me in the long run. Most importantly, I need to be focused and informed at all times of the action that has taken place. This will provide me with accurate information that I can relay to others and have the better probability of a great possible interview. I still believe sideline reporting would be an exciting career, but it does seem like a lot of work to get to the top like I would want. You can never give up no matter how many times you get rejected, which might be difficult in the moment, but possibly very rewarding in the end. The information I gathered may play a part in my future and what my path will look like in

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