Personal Statement: Going Back To School

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Going Back to School

Honk! Honk! Oh no, I’m going to miss the bus.I’m going to be late on the first day going back to school.I’m nervous about going to the eighth grade.It’s going to be a scary, exciting, and educational year of school.If I’m lucky I probably might survive this year.Let us have a wonderful year of school and learn as much as we can to be successful.

The reason I say it’s going to be scary is because, going back to school can be scary.I’m going to meet new teachers and new classmates.I am going to spend a whole year with them.So I might as well start knowing each one of them with the time I got.I’m probably might even have a new principle, a secong helping principle, and a new student counciler, but I might even …show more content…

The very last reason is it’s going to be educational because, I really want to learn a lot of information to pass and graduate school.Graduating school is my only goal in life and for others too.After graduating, I want to go to college and start my life.But all of that has to be put to the side for now because, I got a lot of work ahead of me until I graduate school.So I want to be educated until I start my life.

All of these reasons are my example of how eighth grade might be like.Like I said, it’s going to be scary at fist, then exciting, and last a educational year of school.You are not alone I will be there to trying to persue my goals, you are not going to be the only one.So looks like all of us got alot of work ahead of us.Make sure you have fun and remember to learn alot to graduate school.I know how you feel, you probably saying it’s going to be hard and boring.But it will pay off soon when you graduate and go to college.All the work you done will lead you to success and a exciting

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