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Personal philosophy in education
Personal learning philosophy
Personal philosophy in education
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I remember as a child being fascinated by the notion that clergy came to their work because they were called to do so. With a brother-in-law in his thirty-fifth year of ministry, I see the necessity of that call as the commitment he has made to service has been extraordinary. Perhaps not to the same degree, but it certainly can be said that teaching is also a calling or a vocation. ************* As a graduate professional, I will strive to differentiate instruction, integrate technology, and share my knowledge and practices with others.
Personal Philosophy of Learning My personal philosophy of learning is deeply rooted in my belief that everyone wants to learn and grow and prosper; at least they do until someone or something changes that
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The obvious acknowledgements here are that students will not be ridiculed or humiliated or embarrassed, but we must also create a climate where risk is not only welcomed, but encouraged. Failure should be celebrated not because of the everyone gets a trophy movement, but because mistakes indicate students are courageous enough to take these risks. We must also be committed to every student in our care. I have been a teacher long enough to realize that I will not reach every student I teach. However, I have been a teacher long enough to know that I must never stop trying to do so. Aiding in this endeavor is my belief in a growth (***Dwyer***?) model. Not every student in my classroom will reach the same level of mastery, but by setting attainable goals, every student can feel like growth is possible. Students must not be the only members laboring within this growth model; teachers also meet the challenge of continuing to grow and learn in order to stay effective in the classroom. We must model one who values learning, and we must be constantly striving to get better. This growth takes effort in the form of reading research, engaging in professional learning communities, attending conferences and seminars, and conducting our own action research. Ultimately, we will employ evidence based practices applicable to our students at their
Growing up, I have always known that I wanted to work in the education field. I believe helping students learn and grow is my purpose in life. I believe the purpose of education is to see students develop and grow. I believe the role of the student is to come to school and learn new information that they can apply to their lives. I believe the role of the paraprofessional is to be the assistant for the teacher and provide assistance to the students. I believe the community plays a major role in education, especially the parents and guardians. They are a part of their child 's education and provide support for them when they need it most. Education is not going away anytime soon, so we need to look at what education
Goals are set for teachers. Teachers know what areas they have to teach and all students are learning the same material.
Successful teachers develop the whole child by making integrated efforts to promote their student’s academic, social and emotional learning. Children need to be aware of themselves and others; make responsible decisions, and be ethical and respectful of the people around them.
In today’s classroom, the teacher is no longer viewed as the sole custodian of knowledge. The role of a teacher has evolved into being amongst one of the sources of information allowing students to become active learners, whilst developing and widening their skills. Needless to say, learning has no borders – even for the teacher. One of the strongest beliefs which I cling to with regards to teaching is that, teaching never stops and a teacher must always possess the same eagerness as a student. Through several interactions with other teachers, I always strive for new ideas, techniques, teaching styles and strategies that I might add to my pedagogical knowledge. Furthermore, through personal reflection, feedback and evaluation...
Education is a very important aspect of our lives. It is our education that makes us who we are and determines what we become. Therefore, education is not something to be taken lightly. As a teacher, my goal will be to provide the best possible education for my students. Every student is unique. I must see students for who they are individually and respect their ideas and opinions. Each student has a different learning style. I must take this into consideration because I want to provide a constructive learning opportunity for every student. I believe that every student has the potential to learn.
A teacher today needs to have an ability to relate to and create partnerships not with their students, but also families, administrators and other professionals. This ensures that all persons involved with the education of the student are on the same page. All involved then work in harmony and help each other achieve the common goal of educating the student in the best possible way for the best possible result. (Wesley, 1998, p 80)
I would not be considered your typical college student in search of an education degree. I am a 31 year old male, married, with two children, and working on my second career. My previous life consisted of working in the coal mines till I was injured. My injury, however, is considered a blessing in disguise. My injury has leaded me to the world of education.
To me, learning is like a bee pollinating. I am the bee, and learning is the pollen which gets picked up from a flower and then gets dropped off to another flower. I used to think that everyone would learn in a different way than how I learned. I have always had trouble learning; lessons and anything that anybody told me, would somehow not stay inside my brain. I believe that one of the very first ways that we begin to learn is in a section that Temple Grandin discusses in her article. Doing community service was an experience that has shaped my outlook on life. Anything that I do has taken time a lot of effort, but it has paid off with the knowledge that I gained.
When thinking of a philosophy of teaching, four major issues need to be considered. Those issues are one’s views on education, the role of the teacher, teaching and learning, and on the children. This is something that someone entering the teaching profession needs to give serious thought to and realize the importance that this will hold in the future. The following essay will express my philosophy of teaching.
Learning is a process that involves effort and hard work, but it definitely pays off in the long run. Once a foundation is set on how to become a better student, the student with the foundation is set up for success. A student should be taught methods on how to become better at concepts related to success attained at the college level because it helps the student out so much once he or she knows how to effectively study. While studying might seem tedious and overwhelming at time, it can be proven to be instrumental if a person knows how to effectively do it and get the most out of it. I strongly believe that learning never ends, and a person can continue to learn new things as long as he or she lives. I consider myself to be a lifelong learner,
...sionate professors who helped shape the type of teacher I would like to be. They found ways to talk to me in a manner that motivated me to want to improve, all while honoring the work that I have already done. I would like to bring this same moral into my classroom, when a child is motivated, passionate,and self-aware of their needs, strengths, and weaknesses, they can and will push themselves to improve. Students do not solely care about how much knowledge an educator has, but they care about how much these educators truly care. We shouldn't judge a person on how educated they are based only on test scores. The most educated person may not be the most suitable person to teach children. I may lack the test scores, however, I do not lack the passion and motivation needed to be a great teacher. If we cannot celebrate small successes, the final outcome is less weighted.
Teaching is a daunting task that I do not intend to take lightly. Becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine for several years. I always knew that teaching would be the career for me, especially when I began working in the school system as a substitute secretary. I loved working in the school environment; coming in contact with children everyday made me realize how much I would enjoy teaching a classroom full of students.
With the proper guidance and support, teachers can achieve academic excellence in the classroom. They follow their principal’s vision and share their goals. Teachers also serve as leaders in their classroom. They share their vision and goals with their students promoting positive attitudes in the classroom. Just like it is important for principals to respect and understand what their teachers need, students also need the support, understanding, respect and empathy from their teachers. When teachers demonstrate commitment in the classroom and set high expectations they raise the level of learning in the classroom. Teachers that work with the students and their parents to understand and meet their needs will achieve positive academic outcomes. Students engage in learning with positive attitudes and strive for high achievements. Teachers work together with their leaders to improve their teaching
As I get older, I will adapt to changes so my philosophy has the potential to change. In my opinion, that's great. It shows I'm learning and progressing. It can shows the students that change can be good if for the better. Through my college years I have became more progressive in the classroom. One thing won't change, and that is my passion for teaching. I will always have a passion for teaching. Some teachers teach, and do not have a passion for it. They go to work everyday hating their job. That will never be the case for me. Teaching is my passion and I won't stop until I have my own classroom. Until that happens, their will be something missing in my heart.
In many cases, it has become very complex to keep students interested in their education. So the teacher must be creative and find ways to keep pushing the student onward as well as upward. In order to devise the ultimate plan for educating students, a teacher must acknowledge that the “students” are what teaching is all about. The most important factor in the equation is unequivocally the STUDENT! All humans are different in some sort or fashion. But the fact still exists that we all have only this place to function in. So help by putting forth an effort to make it a better place for us all.