Personal Narrative: Why I Had To Work In A Fast Food Place

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Have you ever wanted to work in fast food places or knew someone who did? Well, that person was me and for the longest I thought, why not work at a fast food place? You get discounts, friends get discounts, eat for free, and it would be so much fun. Well, I was wrong on the fun part and as my first job being the fast food business, you would've thought my problems came from the customers I came face to face with but it didn’t. In fact, all my problems came from my coworkers and in this essay, I will share three things I dealt with while working at this fast food place. First the rude coworkers, Second the racism, and Last but not least the rude assistant manager. All three of these problems were things that lead me to quit and never want to …show more content…

I was so excited yet nervous at the same time I walked in talked to my manager to see where to put my stuff down and what I needed to start doing, but before I did anything she asked one of the employee's name Grace to hand me a hat and apron. While grace is doing that I notice two other employees just staring at me and one of them whispers to the other and says in Spanish we have a black girl in the store and they both laugh along with graces because she heard what was said as she was walking by to give me my things. So, after hearing that I paid no attention to it and waited for my next direction my manager comes over and starts introducing me to everyone and telling me who does what after that she took me over to a computer and showed me how to clock in and out for meals and when coming into work and leaving. Everything seems so easy, but then it was time for me to learn how to fix plates and learning that took me a while because of portion size either I put too much or too little. Then we moved on to remembering the food codes that was easy I learned it in a day so after I was put to test to see if I got and I did but according to two of my coworkers I wasn’t doing it right and they made it known that they felt I wasn’t doing it right or that I wasn’t welcomed there by coming to me yelling at me saying this is wrong that the order is wrong just move I will do it. I will not lie it …show more content…

So the first incident happened when grace made me clean the bottom trays were we use to store things such as paper plates, to go boxes, a la carte boxes and more. In the process of cleaning them, she asked me to use this spray bottle which was a chemical cleaning product I had no problem doing it, but where I was told to clean it was in my eyes the wrong place she had me cleaning near the fresh veggies that the cooks had to use in different meals they made. That right there is a violation because here I am spraying this stuff on the trays which some particles can land in the veggies and someone could get sick. When I mentioned it to grace she said oh no your fine and walked to back kitchen and as she walked back there I heard her say the black girl is out there cleaning trays next to the fresh veggies and she don’t even know that she will get in trouble for it so when I heard say that I immediately stopped what I was doing and told her I wasn’t doing it anymore and that if it was a problem oh well and I would be letting the manager no. This made grace so upset she told me that if I didn’t do it, she would tell on me because this was something I had to do so I said that’s fine tell so the next day I spoke with my manager and let her know everything that happen and the manager

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