Personal Narrative- Transformation from Child to Teenager

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Personal Narrative- Transformation from Child to Teenager

Sometimes at night, when it is so dark the darkness becomes almost smothering, I lie awake listening to the cars outside and the endless crying of the baby next door. I think back through my life, to try and comfort me into restful sleep.

I remember summers from my junior high school days. The images are yellow, orange, warm, and happy. Endless summer vacations, the sun almost unbearable with its cruel heat. A time when swimwear wasn’t a terrifying thought, flabby thighs, and see through bikinis were things I was oblivious to. My parents were endless sources of ice-cream cones and drinks, not the embarrassing, overprotective people they have become.

Every year I would go to summer camp, my sister, our two best friends, ...

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