Personal Narrative: The American Dream

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The American Dream The American Dream is not just one wish. People all around the world create goals and wish for things that maybe one day, they could earn. My American Dream is to graduate from a good college, get a doctorate’s degree in Cardiothoracic surgery, and make a change to the world. Before I finish high school, I want the world to understand the importance of respecting and motivating each other, not putting each other down. Self-confidence plays a major role in my life. I have always had a low self-esteem because of others bullying me for different reasons, but there is no excuse not to be nice to a person who is just like you. If there was a way to make the world understand this concept, I would do anything to try to get it out there. Be a ladder, or a lifeboat, help someone out even if they don’t ask for it. Don’t be that person who doesn’t care about the struggles or feelings of others. I plan on achieving my dream by reaching out and getting my thoughts on human interactions out there. I would like to talk to people, create a blog and write about what I think would be right and what would change the world for the better. As for my other goals, such as graduating from a good university, hopefully, UCLA, I am going to try very hard in school and work now …show more content…

When I asked my mom what her American Dream was she said she wanted kids all around the world to be healthy and happy. She also said she wanted each and every one of them to be able to believe in themselves and do something that could benefit this country. My mom has always hated cruel language and rude behavior during human interactions. She believed there could be world peace if people in different countries all around the world would begin to do something nice for one another each and every day. Her American Dream has not changed over the many years she has been in America because my mom has always believed that nothing is impossible if you

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