Addressing Gang Violence: A Struggle in Louisville

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Louisville has really struggled the last year with murders and violent crimes. The Chiefs staff, Kim included, went to a city council meeting where the Chief was asked some very tough questions. The main question was if Louisville had a gang problem. Many people know that in the past, the police never wanted to admit that there was a problem, but the command staff knew that you can’t fix something if you deny that it exists. Again, Kim’s excellent speaking ability placed her right up front on the news as the media asked the tough questions. Kim and the other commanders knew that the police cannot arrest our way out of the violence problem in Louisville. The community had to know the issues and being transparent is a necessity. Good leaders …show more content…

The job required me to send detail request and to detail sergeants with much more seniority than I had. I was not very comfortable with this at first, but Kim said I need to do what was necessary to fill the details. At first I would go to her office and ask advice on who I should detail. She would ask me a few questions and I would end up answering my own questions. She had faith in my abilities and allowed me to do what was necessary to get the job done. Soon enough, I was doing the details without going to her every time. While I may not have always made the right choice, she never got on me for my …show more content…

Kim would always thank all of her commanders and officers for everything they did for the Fourth Division. Kim knew that she could not do everything to run the division alone and took the time to thank us for our contributions. One day Kim asked me to put together a list of all the officers and their birthdates. Kim made sure to call them into her office and wish them a happy birthday. To remember their birthday, she put all 120 of them on her calendar. While this may not seem like a big deal to some of the officers, it was her way of thanking them in a personal

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