Personal Narrative On Skiing

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I ran to the cafeteria after swiftly getting my backpack. It was a Thursday night after school, and that meant it was ski club day. While my friends discussed some slopes we might ski down at Ski Roundtop, I got my ski equipment. Of course, I thought skiing was fun and exciting. I never thought it could be so scary, especially after that night of skiing.

We were on the bus, and I was sitting, waiting for what seemed like an eternity. My friends and I were talking about what hills we would go on, and where we would meet up. I was fairly comfortable with many of them, until the more difficult hills like Ramrod and Gun Barrel were mentioned. We decided to meet up at one of my favorite hills, Fife and Drum. Finally we arrived, the snow was crisp, not to brittle or hard. After we went down Fife hill a few times, we decided to start going down more difficult ones like Minute Man and Susquehanna, which was a breeze for me. Then, everybody started to go to the Ram-Rod lift, and because I didn’t want to be alone, I followed them. …show more content…

It also was icy and creaky. On the way up, I saw the steepness of the two hardest slopes, Gun Barrel and Ramrod, and I anxiously asking if we were going down one of them. Of course I knew the answer was yes, but I didn’t want to believe it. When we got to the top, everybody was heading toward Ramrod. “Come on Josh, It’s pretty easy!”, declared all my friends before they started skiing. I nervously whispered that I would, but I found myself backing away from the steep hill after I looked down it. After seeing its resemblance to a cliff, I backed away to take an exit to an easier mountain. Until dinner, I skied

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